
If she had to stay out of school because of infectious mono , why was she allowed to date during that time? ?

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bristol is allegedly 5 months pregnant, supposedly unable to go to school so... yeah, i know this is absolutely terrible of me to talk about..somewhat akin to mccain publicly saying chelsea clinton was ugly when she was still a vulnerable teen. her appearance was so relevant to the politics of the day. at minimum something is real stinky about the whole palin baby story. doesn't anyone find it a concern that mom seems to have lied to us all within minutes of meeting us?




  1. I thought Obama was against attacking people's families.  That is when he's not accusing the Clintons of "pimping out" Chelsea.

    It's kind of low and speaks of desperation to attack a candidate's pregnant teen daughter.

  2. Where in the world do you people get this stuff? This is getting hilarious.

    All these mudslinging, rabid attack dog, tactics are handing the election to McCain. Please continue.

  3. She's 5 months pregnant and she got mono about 5 months ago. It's very possible that she got mono at the same time she got pregnant.

    And you know, if she had mono and had to stay home from school, that means she was probably at home alone during the day.  I'm betting her boyfriend skipped school more than once to take advantage of the adult-less unsupervised time.  Not the brightest thing to do, since mono does carry with it the danger of rupturing one's spleen during physical activity or forceful contact with one's abdomen.

    But it isn't necessarily accurate to say that she was "allowed" to date while she was sick.  Mono isn't a disease that leaves you so sick and miserable and weak that you can't do anything but sleep or sit.  I had a mild case of mono toward the end of my first semester in college, and my family continued right on with our Christmas plans and traveled all over the state for 10 days.  By the time the second semester started, I was a month past the diagnosis and was ready and able to return to school.  And in the meantime, it didn't slow me down much over the holidays.  Some, yes.  

    Like I said ..... she obviously wasn't too sick to have visitors.  Not very bright, but how many 17-year-olds have enough common sense to cover the bottom of a thimble?  Horny teenagers are selfish and stupid teenagers, and now she gets to live with the consequences of their selfish and stupid decision.

  4. I heard while she had mono she took on the whole football,baseball and swimming team.After that she robbed a bank stole a car and kicked a homeless man in the nuts..Now that's entertainment.

  5. Palin is a liar alright.  What next will we find out or what will be covered up.   She is disgusting and the poor kids are the pawns for her ambition.  I guess Bristol got out of her sick bed ( from mono) for just  enough time to get preggers.  I'm sure the kids will all be there tonight for the big speech by Mama.  I heard that Mama and Bristol had a huge fight because mama wanted them to announce that Bristol and her boyfriend were engaged .  They wanted that announcement before we were to hear she was pregnant.  What a bunch of con artists.  Sheesh.

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