
If / should I be CONCERNED?

by  |  earlier

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I am a healthy 45 y.o. gentleman.

I hear SO MUCH TA-DO about men and our prostate-care starting at age 50.

My local hospital is sponsoring a free seminar about Prostate health and free testings. I am continually told that I need not worry about this issue until age 50.

How much / if should I worry about Prostate conditions NOW at age 45?

I have never (knowingly) suffered any conditions that reflect any prostate issues. - I am just overly cautious.

Would I simply BE IN THE WAY to attend this free local seminar and testing?




  1. Prostate problems can affect you at any age, I had a enlarged prostate from my twenty's on until I was in my early sixes when I had prostate cancer and I've know other men who have problems at various ages. It is always to have it checked out regularly at any age!  Symptoms don't always show up outwardly. Don't think your wasting your time or their time, it's important to your health to go.

  2. i say you go man..i dont see what harm it could cause or what difference 5 years makes.ive got about 30 years before i have to worry about it but i'll probably start getting tested around 35-40

  3. Testing early is good. Most men will not have problems until their 50s or 60s, but prostate cancer can develop at much earlier ages. Usually, the first symptom will be a problem with a weak/intermittent stream of urine, and possibly trouble finishing/dribbling at the end of urination.

    Men in their 40s DO occasionally die of prostate cancer, but that is very rare. In any case, having the test won't harm you.

  4. My doctor has been "testing" me since I was 35.

  5. Do it! And good for you!

    So many men are afraid to have this important test performed.

    Must be that "macho" thing we have.

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