
If smoking weed is it possible to get too high?

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Specificaly if you just keep smoking do you reach a point to where you can not get any higher??




  1. surely this is where you sleep, or pass out?

  2. For me, that's called "falling asleep." Though I think it's possible to get too high before that, e.g., when you start tripping, was never fun for me, anyway.

  3. YES at a certain level you can't get higher than you already are.There is a point you reach. You soon fall asleep or pig out. Only smoke the BOMB people please.

  4. Hmm i believe it depends on the person, and the type of weed. My friends always laugh about getting really high,but it does depend. My friend did c**p her pants at work though cause she was so high, but after that she smoked again just to maintain her buzz. Can't really get too high, you just pass out or eat.

  5. There is definitely a point where you atleast don't feel like your getting any higher. I tend to smoke myself sober where I just end up with a headache and no high if I don't cut myself off.

  6. i mean, in order to OD (overdose) on marijuana you would literally have to smoke your own body weight. and i think after smoking maybe 10 grams (1/45 of ONE pound, because if i remember there are 455 grams to a pound) you would just pass out. now think about how much you weigh in pounds. thats a LOT of grams, probably somewhere in the hundreds of thousands. so, technically you can OD, but you would definitely pass out before you smoked even 1/100th of the amount needed to kill you.

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