
If so many angels found a good reason to revolt against god, doesn't that insinuate that god isn't that nice?

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If they all hated him that much, maybe there is something that the Bible (A book he supposedly wrote) isn't telling us about him.

I would like to hear Satan's side of the story, personally.

--------this friendly atheist---------




  1. It was the lust for power that made them rebel, or haven't you read the bible?  

  2. Does someone who revolts against another necessarily "hate him so much" as you infer?  

    Since God IS love, doesn't someone revolting against Him insinuate that THEY are confused or deceived or unloving?

    The answer to your question is:  No.  A revolt against someone does NOT insinuate that the person isn't that nice.  Its a possibility, but one of many.  Kids revolt against kind loving parents all the time.  Is it because the parents aren't nice?  Or could it be because the kids don't have a clue?  *shrugs*

    God bless.

  3. they allowed Lucifer to deceive them in the same ways that he deceives us humans. Their sin then was that they listened to Lucifer rather than to God - same as Adam and Eve did.

  4. sly took the words right out of my mouth

  5. sure does sly kitteh

    ive said this myself, its not always appreciated as you can see a la linda


  6. It is said that God the Father revealed to the angels what Jesus would suffer in order to redeem mankind from Adam's sin.

    Lucifer, and his minions, refused to worship God in this deeming form and became jealous of mankind that God loved us so much, so rebelled against God.

    Michael and the other angels fought the rebellious angels and won. Then the rebellious angels were separated from God. A new place was created for them to live since they were immortal and can never die.

  7. 55 And Michael saith to me: Worship, lest God be wroth with thee. But I said to him: God will not be wroth with me; but I will set my throne over against his throne, and I will be as he is. Then was God wroth with me and cast me down, having commanded the windows of heaven to be opened. 56 And when I was cast down, he asked also the six hundred that were under me, if they would worship: but they said: Like as we have seen the first angel do, neither will we worship him that is less than ourselves. Then were the six hundred also cast down by him with me. 57 And when we were cast down upon the earth we were senseless for forty years, and when the sun shone forth seven times brighter than fire, suddenly I awaked; and I looked about and saw the six hundred that were under me senseless.

  8. Please give me the scripture and verse where the Bible says it was the lust for power that made Satan and all those other angels rebel.

    Please, also, tell me when this occurred...  as in before adam, after adam, before Abraham, after Abraham, before moses, after moses...

    I know and understand that your explanation is a common ideal within the Christian stories, but I don't remember exactly where the Bible says it.

    Thank you.


    Ok...  I have looked and I will go out on a limb and say you CANNOT give me scripture and verse where this "doctrine" is stated in the Bible.  I will happily apologize if somebody can come up with it... <and please don't give me the Rev. 12 nonsense...  that is either about the future, or it isn't...  you can't have it both ways>

    I don't think it is there.  It is just another fable.

    *edit 2*

    I see a lot of people tell a good story, but none have a specific quote from the Bible to back it up...  what does that tell you?

  9. What if I tell you that there really is no angel that rebelled against God? and that story about  an angel or cherubim turning against the creator was made up to hide the "real person" who actually wanted to be like God and claimed will be seated at the Northern recesses of the assembly of God?

    What if the word "Cherubim" was only used as a title given to a man

    who has the special mission? Like for example the "Sons of God" who also were erroneously taken as the angels who took human form to marry the "Daughters of Men."

    That title "Sons of God" were actually the children and grandchildren of Adam and Eve who are called the Jewish Tribe. They were the early form of family and community that lives in the traditional belief in One God. the "Daughters of Men" were the people that came before Adam and Eve whom are also called the "Gentiles". These were the people whom Cain was afraid of when he was being cast out of Eden and these were also the people who Cain was able to find a wife for him and not the "incestuous lie" explained by the religions who are obviously ignorant if not downright liars.  

  10. Well, when people were kids they wanted to run around naked and not get dressed like mommy told them to do... but Mommy was still right, you couldn't show your plantain at the supermarket!

  11. He was a mean task master, so they split and started a new union......

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