
If so many people hate bush, why was he elected and then reelected?

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and how does everyone know the president votes werent rigged?




  1. There are people who think Bush stole the first election.  There are people who think Bush lied us into war.  There are people who think Bush won because the Electoral College actually votes for President.

    There will always be people who honestly believe Bush stole the election from Gore in 2000.  Nothing will change their minds no matter what.  As to the 2004 elections, perhaps lying by politicians of both parties created the climate which allowed Bush to take advantage of and thereby get reelected.

    I blame both Republicans and Democrats for the mess.  Neither wants to see that, but it is the truth.

  2. "If you repeat a lie often enough, it will become accepted as the truth". There has been so many tireless, stupid accusations and hateful vitriolic rhetoric spewed about president Bush, that most republicans have realised it's pointless trying to talk to democrats, and no  longer challenge their idiotic innuendos. You either have a brain, or you don't.  The only response I give dumbocrats any more, is to point out that jurors are selected from the voter registration lists. It's surprising how many of them don't know this. trying to reason with someone who gets their news from "the daily show" is pointless, but I've influenced many of them to continue not voting.

  3. as usual, the Democrats had no candidate.

  4. Well, the first time around not that many people hated him.  It was before he did all of this, and we had no idea he could.  He seemed like a lovable goofball.  In fact, early on he had trouble because of his "lovable goofballness."  He only cut that talk down when he took the much more experienced d**k Cheney as his VP choice.

    I don't know if the election was rigged or not.  There was some questionable moves out of Jeb Bush, the governor of Florida during that fiasco.  The Supreme Court did mess up thoroughly in accepting the case; it was not a judiciary matter.  The Constitution gave it to the House of Representatives to choose; but to be fair it was controlled by Republicans and probably would have gone Bush anyway.

    But as I said, Bush was a likable guy with an experienced person as a running mate, so he was acceptable back then.

    The second time around, we did have a problem with him.  He had handled things fairly badly so far.  But there was an even bigger problem on the other side.  That problem?  John Kerry.

    Seriously, that guy was as stiff as a board.  I will say he probably would have handled the Katrina disaster better--the people of New Orleans could have boarded up their windows with his personality.  Then they could have blown up some rafts with all the hot air he liked to blow, and then just floated right on out of there.

    In fact, I think the Democrats could have done better if they simply got a board of wood and then had a monkey paint a face on it.  In fact, I know they would have; because the monkey could have provided a personality.

    Secondly, most of us were apparently afraid that if Kerry got in, our families would all fall apart and disintegrate as husbands all over the country left these families to go and marry the g**s.  YES, the g**s!!  How horrible, two people who love each other getting together actually being of the same gender...

    But apparently this fear was our biggest fear, even after 9/11.  Who'd have guessed that would happen?

  5. He was "selected" and re "selected.

    The first time by the SJC, the second time by Diebold.


  7. Democrats abort all their potential voters!

  8. democrats are probly to lazy to vote.

  9. Because a lot of the people in this country have the same level of intelligence that President Bush has and they identified with him. It was once joked about that some of the American voters are as gullible as jackass being offered a job as a race horse....

  10. because 1st we didnt vote him  the electoral college did, we voted Al gore, and then we thot bush was great for about a year, turned out we were wrong 2nd time we liked him better than Kerry

  11. It's like being in an abusive relationship.  People wanted to think that he would stop hitting them and treat them better if he got re-elected.  Instead he put his brass knuckles on

  12. Because he used the same scare tactics that the Republicans are trying to use for this election.  4 years later people have caught on(he has a 28% aapproval rating the WORST in history). In short:

    Americans got it wrong in 2004.

  13. It just proves the people are not in control.  Elections are rigged.  The American people are finally realizing that Goerge Bush is such a retarded ******.

  14. Its amazing how so many Americans got Duped by ONE Man..

  15. Gore won the popular election in 2000. Bush lied us into a war for the second election.

    His popularity ratings are now the lowest of any president in US history.

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