
If so many women distrust their partners, why???

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0 LIKES UnLike they snoop on emails/brower history, or follow their partners, or spend all their time trying to get evidence???

surely, with that amount of paranoia and insecurity going on, they'd be better just dumping/divorcing their partners and starting fresh...

what is going on in womens minds???




  1. Who knows. I don't see the point in being in a relationship if you do not trust your partner or are completely honest with them. Surely that is the whole point of being in a relationship

  2. because men are #@!#%$#^%

  3. I know exactly what is going through their minds- I just found out I was cheated on by my fiance. Now every time he is running late, he is on the pc for an extended period of time or keeps his cell phone away from me I question rather or not he is cheating again. One guy can mess it up for the rest and I am trying to forgive but one time is too many. so you wanna know why women end up being that way, you wanna know what is going through our minds? It's the well known fact that men [and women] cheat on their spouses rather they are happy or not. We just do not want to feel the pain so we try and try and if nothing is there than it gives us a sense of relief but if we do find something then that means our intuitions were right and we can move on with our life.

  4. I can only speak from my own personal experience on this one. For me it happened when i was cheated on the first time, i always thought i should have seen it coming but i didn't. It makes it harder in any new relationship because the old insecurities stick with you. Unfortunately you take it out on the new man with all the snooping. For me i just need to trust until given a reason not to. As far as whats going on in women's minds, well each woman is a mystery even to herself at times. If this is happening to you personally i say just have a chat with her, maybe she has been treated badly and hasn't gotten over it and unfortunately you are suffering the consequences.

  5. It's because women tend to worry about anything.

  6. The same can be said of men distrustig their partners.  I just don't understand why anyone would want to be in a relationship where they don't trust each other.  Sounds like too much hard work to constantly live in a state of paranoia.

  7. That is a very wrong generalisation about women. I have never stooped so low as to follow, read emails, phones or whatever. I have never felt it necessary to do so.  I would say I am a very open and honest person.  Most of my relationships I trusted my partner,  except one and it was instinct that told me that this person was not to be trusted.  And my instinct was right.  And thats why it ended.  Remember men also get like that, This same person read all my personnal stuff online and on my phone, I had nothing to hide, but did not let me see his? He had a wife and family to hide!!

  8. People who have been cheated on or lied to in the past, tend to become mistrustful of just about everyone. It's not a good thing, but it's common.

    Of course, they also often become their own worst enemy because they tend to see signs where none exist, need constant reassurance, and invade other's privacy and become mistrusted themselves for that.

    People should try more for the legal approach...innocent until proven guilty.

  9. lol never thought of that, checking my e-mail following me about eyc... S*** better change my passwords and empty my internet cache lol

  10. I never used to do stuff like that (EVER!) in any of my previous relationships.  But then I got lied to, and accidently found something suspicious.  From then on I felt like what else is he hiding? You feel obligated to look, rather than end up looking like a fool in the end.

    So many people cheat and especially with the internet these days, people have the opportunity to do not-so-innocent things.

    So if there is absolutely NO reason for the snooping, etc, then that is wrong and unhealthy.  But if they feel there is reason, help her out by giving her your passwords, so you can gain the trust she needs.

  11. Yes, we want to be informed because we want to know what we have and make sure no one takes it away.

  12. i totally agree with you!you either trust him and be with him or don't and leave!

  13. Maybe if they found the evidence - they would!

    Men are sh*it at being faithful, even when they love and find their partners s**y.  It doesn't seem to matter whether they're good looking or not - they will just get down to it if the opportunity arises and if other circumstances are right - ie they're drunk...

    I've been deceived once (as far as I know) and I've also had married/attached men trying it on with me on many occasions.

    You're all a bit cr@p really! : )

  14. Its simply insercurity.   They want to make 100% sure that everything is going to go well.

  15. Okay so I've been on both sides of trust and distrust and I'll give you a reason.

    The guy I distrusted did not give me a reason to trust him.  He lived with me because he got evicted from his place but if anybody asked him where he lived, he never said he lived with me.  His parents met me but he told me that I was a business partner and not his girlfriend.  He would tell me that he was on his way home but never make it. And I found out that a friend he was crashing with on some nights was a girl who thought that they were dating.  Yes I was dumb to put up with this but he wore me down emotionally and after being physically injured in a car accident (indirectly caused by him), I did not have the strength to kick him out and start over.  So I just sat there and stayed suspicious.  

    The other guy (my current boyfriend) has never given me a reason to not trust him.  It's been over 2 years and if he wants to go out with the guys once or twice a week, I have no problem with it and actually enjoy the time alone.  Bachelor parties at strip clubs are not an issue and if he wants to go on a trip without me, that's fine.  I know that he's with me and only me.

    So guys, if you don't want a suspicious girlfriend, don't give her a reason to be suspicious.  

  16. because so many men give them a reason to. and women arent the only distrusting people men are the same way. if you have a relationship where both people respect each other communicate with each other they dont have any of this baggage.  

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