
If some guy is arriving from foreign to give me cheque then shall i have to pay custom?

by  |  earlier

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that cheque is a loterry won by me




  1. you have been had, baby, how much have u paid that guy to come from a foreign country to give u a cheque for a lottery u are suppossed to have won. if u have not paid any charges please dont. u cannot win a lottery unless u participate in it by buying a lottery ticket. it is a world wide scam. be vary very careful with the guy who is supposed to come from abroad,

    the lottery money, if u had really won it, could have easily been send through a bank or a cheque could be easily sent throught reg mail or courier. Why should some one come from another country just to hand over a check to u. think deeply and then take any further action.

  2. The "foreign lotteries" are scams  if they asked you to pay some kind of up front fee.  If you sent it, your money is lost, and the guy isn't going to arrive with a payment for you.  You've been scammed.

  3. No,Probably u are being fooled into some scam.U will have to pay FNT i.e.foolishness tax

  4. How much you have already paid him for taxes and airfare etc?

    Keep waiting.

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