
If some middle eastern / arabic person says that i do look like at least part middle eastern - mix?

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but i am totally not.. so does it mean that i have arabic blood.. lol




  1. I'm always asked if I'm Arab or middle eastern but I'm actually European XD

  2. Salam for you my dear friend .You look like a mix of middle eastern because we are the descendants of Adam prophet and he had so many children with various forms and skin colors.So you maybe look like at least part of middle east person.Your blood and my blood are not so different we have almost have the same blood. just red.Islam is not a racial religion.Infront of Allah we are the same whatever its physical form and the color of our skin.The difference lies only on our own faith and good doings.

  3. Not necessarily. Do you feel offended when they say that to you? I would feel flattered. BTW am born Dutch and bred English.

  4. take it as compliment... people there are hott!

  5. be proud, Muhammad (saw) was middle eastern.

  6. people can make that mistake all the time, its normal.  Many races have similar features and so its easy to mistake one for the other.  Take it as a compliment :)

  7. No. People are always thinking I'm some race or another and they're totally wrong.

  8. i do know that muslims are brain dead


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