
If some of the angels rebelled against God in his 'perfect' heaven...?

by Guest58551  |  earlier

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how much more likely is it that the human souls in heaven will do the same?




  1. Highly unlikely. h**l was created for satan and his angels after they thought they could rise above Him. God's children know who is Most High.

  2. The humans who go to heaven will be granted immortality and will have proved by their human life course that they will be faithful forever.

    Ok, this is too deep to explain in detail. OvO

  3. It is interesting to think that a God would have created arrogance in his servants.

  4. Ah, Book of Enoch. You know that Western Christianity doesn't even accept this as Canonical?  

  5. we mimik their life style by behaving like we have every thing we really need to know,. so to not believe in god makes h**l make sence! so for your memory of being inside my skull and already seeing my life you must know there is a god!

  6. that wouldnt happen because bad angels like that would join the devil

  7. It would seem by analytical theorising man is immersed and caught in the first triangle of division. Mans inability to maintain fidelity to the One has created a free market of h**l. God is humanity. Within his world is carnal nature. Mans lot is to destroy carnal nature within him before seeking to accuse or destroy others. Lucifer mistakes Gods congeniality for weakness, or he senses a duplicity he then engenders.  He poisons and rallies Gods legion against God. The legion acquire a thirst for God blood and anarchy. Upon the deed being orchestrated, the legion turn upon Lucifer when he seeks to assume the role of God. Godhood is destroyed and man creates a form of monarchy or government to recreate what he destroyed at the outset on some pretext or another. This legacy recurs generation following age. To this day. Multi party partisan politics. A free market against the interests of its arbiters. Social disorder to dislodge the ruling class creating another hierarchy not entirely dissimilar to the former destroyed. It goes on.

  8. That's why we are tested before we go to determine who is worthy.

  9. Read the bible

    There will be new heaven  and new earth!

    there will be no rebellion, death, and violence!

    God lives in a realm that our mind does not understand! and He gave the angels a free will too just like humans!  

  10. The firstfruits or born again, raised up, gathered or caught up, first resurrected  or redeemed from the earth Rev.14:1-6,7; to be with Jesus and as angels Luke 20:34-36; John 3:5-8; 1Pet.1:15,16,23; when a place is prepared for them [ after Michael cast out Satan and 1 / 3 angels down to footstool earth Psm.66:1; Matt.5:34,35; Dan.12:1-13; Rev.12:3,4,6.7-12; Matt.22:42-44; Acts 2:27-35; Heb.1:1-13; first before ], John 6:39,40,44; 14:3; Mark 13:27; 1Thes.4:15-17; and Rev.20:1-6,12,13;

    No Satan 1000 years, the heavenly [ for the new heavens ], are with Jesus at his 2nd coming to resurrect the earthly John 3:16; world all the way back to Abel [ for the new earth ], 2Pet.3:13; Rev,21:1-5;

  11. Humans are smarter than angels.

    In the End Times, God has promies the "we will judge angels".  We would HAVE to be smarter in order to be judge over them.

    Angels are more POWEFUL, but not as smart.

    Remember, too, that in The End, the earth will be made anew, and those spiritis in Heaven will be given new, perfect bodies and will be allowed to live in the New Jerusalem ON EARTH. [Book of Revelation]

  12. You religious folk are morons!

  13. Lucifer, his followers and us were not in heaven at that time, we were in the world of spirits, before we came to earth Biblical and Non-biblical;

    Jer 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, [and] I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

    22 Now the Lord had shown unto me, Abraham, the intelligences that were organized before the world was; and among all these there were many of the noble and great ones;

    Abr 3:23

    23 And God saw these souls that they were good, and he stood in the midst of them, and he said: These I will make my rulers; for he stood among those that were spirits, and he saw that they were good; and he said unto me: Abraham, thou art one of them; thou wast chosen before thou wast born.

  14. we wont be human and we know how stupid Satan it wont happen.

  15. well, if you really need to know the story of how it all came about in the nether realms, here's a link to one of the stories.

    (go down to IV:52)

  16. satan is where he belongs. why would pious souls who love , respect, and believe in God unconditionally and follow what He has told us to do, rebel against Him in heaven? thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard. people will go to heaven who LOVE God, not your version of everyone goes to heaven anyway because jesus loves them.

  17. That's what this physical dimension is for. Only those on His side will be there. Then or minds will be "set" like God's is and we will be unable to sin.

    1Jn 3:9  Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.

  18. Surely they wouldn't be considered angels if they rebelled. If heaven is so perfect there would be nothing to rebel against. We'd all feel loved, happy and at peace when we get there. I think it's possible to create that feeling here on earth if we all stopped rebelling.

  19. It seems you don't have a full understanding of the nature of heaven.

  20. Guess it wasn't so perfect after all .

    Fireball please contact Pangel she needs to tell you something .  

  21. I don't think they will get the chance.  That is why we are on earth.  Separating the wheat from the chaff.

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