
If some one gets 4 queens on you in chess is that bad or should you go for the draw=tie!?!?!?

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If some one gets 4 queens on you in chess is that bad or should you go for the draw=tie!?!?!?




  1. I would have resigned before it got to that point.  Four queens? Jeez.

  2. It depends on what u have.  If they r not careful, it could easily be a draw (stalemate).

  3. same with the last guy. If your opponent isnt a complete idiot, he will win.

  4. If they do, you won't tie, you will loose.

  5. go for it,,,,,,.......never quit,,,,........

  6. the chance of you winning, is about the same percentage of you becoming a chess master.  that would be about .5%. 1st of all, if the other person has 4 queens, they are TOYING with you.if they were smart and wanted to end it quickly, they would checkmate you easily with 2 queens instead of 4.

  7. are YOU playing a game or what?

  8. they should be able to win u and maybe by luck u can get a draw if opponent stalemates u

  9. It is possible to win, but the chance are like someone coming back from the dead, becoming president, getting shot, and getting reborn again. Basically not without a lot of help and/or a lot of luck. I would just give in, or call a stalemate sometime soon. Next time, get their pawns out.

  10. if u have allowed someone to get 4 freakin queens... u may want to check out and READ a chess book. that is not common in even the most novice chess games.

  11. If they knew what the were doing they would just beat you, so go for the tie--they are out ot make you look foolish, but maybe you can turn the tables.

  12. GO for it....but If this person is playying you you:YOU will look like a fools:fool like a kid playying wiht a Man....

  13. Is it bad, yes.

    Your only hope is a stalemate, which is slim to none, and slim is walking out the door. In most cases like this, you can hope for a brain lapse from your opponent that might get you a stalemate, but you will loose most likely. Tip the king.

  14. wW0W!!!You...r..a let them's o.k..and go for the draw......that fool could have won with2 queens....she did not need to

  15. I like to play you in chess.......

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