
If some one got hurt on your property which is your residance

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Insurance Question What if some one fell or got hurt on your property which is a residance and that person

If some one is injured on my property who is not a us resident is the Home owner responsible for damages. Some one sustained a back injury on my property and now is in need of medicle care he is visiting US on holiday will my home owners insurance pay for his medicle bills he is in need of an MRI. Guys this is a serious matter and I don't want any funny answers...




  1. Your home owner's insurance should cover at least some or all medical expenses incurred for someone who has been injured on your property.  They do not have to be a U.S. resident.  Anyone could file a law suit and seek damages against you.  As expensive as MRIs can be, if it is deemed a necessity to determine the extent of the injuries then I would think that your insurance company will cover that.  You need to check with your insurance company to know for sure as I said an insurance company may cover all or only some of the medical costs.  In my opinion the injured party is going to recover such costs either from your insurance company or from you directly.  

  2. You are financially responsible if anyone is injured on your property. I am not sure if the rules are different because the person injured is not a US citizen, I don't think so. Your Home Owners Insurance should cover injuries, up to a certain amount. You should contact your insurance company to find out what you need to do. Good luck! I hope this helps.

  3. His residency and citizenship are irrelevant.

    Your insurance should pay if it is determined that your negligence caused the injury.  You have given no indication as to what caused this guy's back injury, so it is impossible for anyone on this forum to even begin to guess whether your insurance will pay.

  4. His nationality is not relevant.

    Your insurance will pay if the fall was due to your negligence.   A law suit proving you are at fault will most likely have to occur.  

    If the fall was due to his negligence, health issues, or intoxication you and your insurance company are off the hook.

    No one here can answer this, it really depends on the  circumstances of the fall.

  5. Contact your homeowner's insurance company and they will handle everything.

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