
If some one is born blind (no knowledge of sight) can their dream be visual?

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If some one is born blind (no knowledge of sight) can their dream be visual?




  1. No .

  2. The simplest answer is NO! if the brain never learned to interpret images and never saw anything u cant have visual dreams. I actually know someone who is blind like u described. His dreams are only auditory. He hears but doesnt see.

  3. It depends on what kind of blindness they have. If it is a problem with their eyes and not the brain then dreams can be visual although it would probably look strange to us because their brain has no reference of what anything looks like. They may "see" a representation of another sense like hearing, this is called synesthesia. Or, they might just see random colors and shapes that really have no meaning at all (however I believe that dreams have to be a representation of something that we are familiar with because a dream is what our brain tries to rationalize from random signals from the pons in the brain stem.) It would be really interesting to ask someone who experiences this what they are visualizing. Going back now: if the blindness is caused by neurological damage then they probably won't have visual dreams because the visual cortex is damaged.

  4. No - if your brain has never processed any visual images, it has no way to invent them.

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