
If some one is infected with hiv can they share a drink with another person, will that other person get hiv?

by  |  earlier

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I was just curious about this is all?




  1. The other person CAN'T get HIV from them. HIV can only be contracted through the exchange of bodily fluids such as s***n, vaginal fluids and blood.

  2. No. Not if there blood somehow makes it into your soda or beer or whatever, that is a different story

  3. As with anyone, whether you know they have any disease or not, you should not share drinks with them.  Hepatitis is easily spread that way.   Not to mention that there's not a cure for that, either. HIV has been found in saliva, sweat, tears, blood, s***n, vaginal fluids, etc.  Who's to say how easily it can be spread?      

  4. No.  And people that said yes if they have a cut and you do or what not, have no idea what theyre talking about.  AIDS/HIV is a very weak virus and dies within seconds when it hits air, let alone soda or such.  You can share a soda with someone with HIV and youre not going to "catch" it.  

  5. no

  6. will only b happen 2 another person if there is some cut

  7. yes they can. but risky since HIV is transferred by blood.

  8. Although HIV has been transmitted between family members in a household setting, this type of transmission is very rare.

    However practices that increase the likelihood of blood contact, such as sharing of razors and toothbrushes, should be avoided.

    Hope this helps. Good Luck!!!!

  9. no its just could you get infected if you had s*x with him , or just get blood from his body to yours , cuz this virus is living and moving in blood

    , and thanks

  10. Don't share it with me Please!!!

  11. HIV is not transmitted by saliva.  Sharing a drink will with someone  with HIV will not cause the other person to get HIV.

  12. Well, the only spreadable thing to avoid is herpes, and if she had a cut in her/his mouth and u both shared a drink then u should get checked by your doctor, but other then that there's nothing really.

  13. no unless he/she has a cut in his/her mouth and so do u. you can get HIV from someone's saliva but it would take a couple of gallons

  14. It is not likely.  They would both have to have open soars on their mouths.

  15. no, the only way it could be transferred that way would be if there is a sore in the mouth or loose tooth, anything that may be able to pass blood to you.  

  16. HIV is spread by contact with blood or by sexual contact.  Urine, tears, and saliva are not considered infectious - so you cannot contract HIV from casual contact or by sharing a drink.

  17. your can get it if the person has a cut in there mouth, it can infect you that way .

  18. no unless one of yall have a cut or open wound on your lip and surrounding areas

  19. It's unlikely, but better you don't share drinks anyway (with anyone for that matter).

    The reason I say it's unlikely is because, unlike blood, it would take gallons of ones saliva to enter your body before you even have a chance of contracting HIV from them. The amount of saliva on a glass or in the beverage after ones drank from it (with hiv) is also very little.. so it wouldn't hurt you.

  20. No.

    I'm HIV+ and my husband and daughter are both negative.

    Put it this way, my husband has lived with me for the past 4 years and we have shared cups, drinks, cutlery, etc etc, and he hasn't been infected.  

  21. no, it can only be passed through s*x or blood.

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