
If some one taks ovr dose of sleeping pills than can a person die ? how much time would it take ?

by  |  earlier

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does it hurts , or its very easy this way ? i am askin this question as general only , nothin serious about it , acctualy i have heard owen wilsons case , thats the reason ia m askin , is it posible to die with these sleeping pills?




  1. Hi,

    Yeah Overdose of  sleeping pill  is lethal and na it dosent hurt


  2. Yes an over dose is lethal but i dont reccomend you do it as it wont be pretty.

  3. overdosing on slepping pills will eventually in time hurt because if you dont die of liver failure then you will be mentally ill for a long time as docs dont tent to let you forget it to quickly

  4. Yes, an overdose of anything can kill you.  The time it takes to die and the manner of death depend on the type of medication.  Each drug, when cleared by the FDA, is given a "therapeutic index."  That's the ratio of the dose that causes toxic effects to the normal dose.  I think most deaths due to drug overdose usually involve drowning in your own vomit.  Again, it depends on the medication and what it's mixed with. As to if it hurts... probably but you may not be conscious of it.  Quickest way to go is in a large explosion.  One second you're there, next second you're not.

  5. Yes. I could be very bad stay away from stuff like that.

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