
If some one told you "you had 24 hours to live the rest of your life" how would you live it?

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If some one told you "you had 24 hours to live the rest of your life" how would you live it?




  1. Breathe normally, I guess. And hoping that it's not true.

  2. I'll just spend the 24 hours praying to God on my knees to be spared the agony of death and the misery of h**l. Then I shall be ready to die peacefully

  3. jus saty wid family an all ur frnds an hav all the fun uve never had b4

  4. Eating all those thing you can't ever have coz they make you fat!

  5. find me a girl/lady and goto town with her.(not down town)  Guess

  6. Go skydiving!

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