
If some people can see events in the future could this be a principle for travel in time?

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If they do this perhaps they are here and there /as space and time/using some way to penetrate quantum indeed they travel in time?




  1. I don't see how they could see into the future...unless it has already happened somewhere else and we're just "reenacting" it.(and I sure wouldn't want to do my life twice...unless I could change a lot of things)

  2. I would say it would be an indicator that time travel was possible. The discovery of someone who could really see into the future would probably give us the knowledge that would eventually lead to time travel.

    Unfortunatly nobody has been able to see into the future yet, so it is all sci-fi.

    If I were to put my money down, it would be on time travel, and precognition never occuring.

  3. It is not the same thing.

    People can remote View,.. this means they see something some where else but their body and other senses are still at the same spot.

    However there is something that is used as a side faith in Asia.   It classifieds ablities.  As it is when Time Travel need to be put into one of the four classes, people put it in the Promonition secter.

    Others put it in Clarvoynce.  But this choice is rare.  Promonition is common.

    These secters have additional things put into them but the greatest ranges are:  Empathy, Psychic/-kesis, Clarvoynce, and Promonition are the four main categories in this side faith.

    Added:  Peter D, I use to see things not distant into the future.  Promonition is the distant future and events that can be kept from happening.  I knew exactly what our Newspapers were going to look like and there would be two of them for the Election.  I even said exactly what would be on the frotn page.

    It happened.  (I could only buy one of the newspapers :( )

    I warned my mom's friend there was going to be a crash in the stock market worse then before and each time I told him the date and the final time about what time of day it would start to happen.  They basically told me the stock market goes up and down but that would never happen.  It did.  They had me alert them of things from time to time.  After it happened they tried to convince me it would be back to normal in no time,.. a year later their stocks still hadn't recovered.

    I predicted I was going to be in a car accident I wasn't sure I would survive about 6-8 months before the date.  I knew the range of dates then, then the month a couple months later, then the exact date about 2 months before it happened.  I made sure I had no appointments that day.  I reminded my mom over and over again.  I refused to do anything that day.  I didn't sleep at all that night to make sure I wasn't in any shape for her to drag out of the apartment.  Our "friend" pulled a " If you don't go do this with me right now I will never ever be your friend and won't talk to you ever again" which my mom fell for and said she would just go out without me.  I was hit by that she would die if I didn't go because she would be in an accident but it would go differently.  So I rushed off with them and spent most of the day sleeping.

    At some point I woke up and, unlike me, took off my seat belts because I was suddenly hit by my spine and neck were going to snap and tear if I stayed in them like I was in my sleep.  I had been sleeping on the back seat.  I ALWAYS wear my seat belt.  The next moment we were bumper caring back and forth in a multicar accident with cars from most sides.

    My mom had made a noise as the hits started.

    I didn't explain I needed to go with her or she would have died but years later she said that it had hit her I was in the car and she reacted differently then she would have if I wasn't.

    Unfortunately, something is wrong with my brain now because Doctors had me over dose on medications I was haveing bad reactions to.  I went from useing my ablities every day in my life to wakeing up not knowing my name and not being able to construct sentences.  I still do not remember the night before past a point when I was in a store.

  4. Just because they tell you they can see the future, it doesn't make it true!

  5. *If* some people can see events in the future why haven't they done so?  I have yet to see a convincing case of someone predicting the future.  It's either incredibly vague/high-probability predictions or "I knew this would happen" claims after something has happened.  In other words, I don't think people can see into the future.  Once it has been established that someone can we can go about studying the possible applications of this ability.

  6. Supposedly, many people have and are still doing this. Look into remote viewing. I suppose you could call it quantum alternate realities or just another Matrix.

    Traveling back in time and seeing thru the eyes of others doesn't mean you'll understand everything when you don't know the languages. Where would you go?

      Now imagine if you could also record these events and watch them in the present. Maybe salvation is just about these events and not the real people. Maybe salvation is genetic information for cloning you in the future.

      Maybe this world is a recreation of a similar one several light years away. What if you had the technology to see these events without ever leaving your body?

    Maybe there already is and these people are called: Watchers and the Fallen. It would seem that the pieces of this puzzle are falling into place and our interpretations of them have been flawed.

    Also go to the bottom of the page for the link for crop circles.

  7. Of all the times that it's happened to me the the events could be prevented I even warned my  work colleges about an event to happen once but they ignored me does this mean all things are inevitable and cannot be changed?.

  8. People can't see into the future.It's all a bunch of hooey.Really,it is.

  9. Time does not exist it is merely an abstract concept that is relative to the observer and the concept allows for time to move only in one direction, forward. So moving forward through time is the only possibility and a person can only occupy one space and time. Just as an immovable object cannot come into contact with an irresistible force because these two phenomenon cannot exist at the same time. And it is for this reason I believe that most skeptics refuse to believe in precognition or the ability to foresee future events or the events that have already occurred.

    So here is my theory or hypothesis if you prefer. Precognition is the ability to foresee quasi-random future possibilities based upon a person's cognitive reasoning and personal wisdom. The results of which are equally random and relative to the observer; the skeptic will see accurate results as coincidence and the true believer will see them as proof of the psychic's ability. But consistent accurate results cannot be explained and therefore the skeptic labels the psychic's ability as unexplained when it is really just the person's exceptional cognitive reasoning and wisdom.

  10. Though I believe that angels guide us to a better future, I do believe this is stretching it just a bit.

    Time is much more complicated than what happens in x amount of time. In fact, I don't even want to open that can of worms. But just think about it this way: I have a lamp to the side of my desk. The lamp breeds light, but without the lamp, there'd be no light. There are several parts to the lamp that must be there in order for the important stuff (light) to happen. Thus, the lamp is a prerequisite to the system.

    Same thing with time. Just because someone recieves clues about the future, it doesn't mean that they are literally stuck in another dimension. They're just more intuitive and can maybe reach others from other places.

  11. Interesting concept.

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