
If somebody messes with me at school what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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well if they hit me i have to hit them back but i will get suspended at school but if the like call me a bad word i say it to them back but if the hit me do you want me to hit them back?




  1. sure, hit them back, it's worth getting suspended

  2. never start it

    but if they start it it can

    be justified as self-defense  

  3. if you let someone hit on you and you don't fight back then they will keep coming back cause they know you won't fight back. Stand up for yourself

  4. Names are for children.

    You hit the telephone and threaten them by suing them.

    And if they come back, I suggest you take on kung fu or something.

    At least you have some safety

  5. Sometimes school is not fair.  Other students can be very abusive, both physically and verbally. It is a part of life that we must endure because if it doesn't kill us it makes us stronger.  

    Most schools have a no tolerence rule for this type of abuse, but we all know that 80% of the time, the school supervisors don't see it happen, so what do you do?  Sometimes you must defend yourself.  I suggest taking a martial arts class so that you can learn to defend if necessary.

  6. this is my families rule: if someone hits you warn them not to do it again & if they do you have the right to defend yourself & hit them.

    it works for me.

  7. Report them and file charges if they hit you.

    As far as calling names... There's no reason to call them names back.. why lower yourself to their level? They are obviously insecure and need to do that to get attention. They have nothing better to do. You do... ignore them!

  8. Your better off if you just walk away. If someone continually harasses you  you should report them. You'll be better off if you don't retaliate.

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