
If somebody posted bad picture of my friend on the net can i remove it?

by  |  earlier

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somebody posted bad picture of a friend of min on dating srvice website, how can I delete the pictures and the account?




  1. You probably won't be able to.  Your best bet is for either you or your friend or both to complain to the people who run the site.  There should be a email or something on the site that you can contact them.

  2. 1- once a pic is on the net, its almost impossible to remove.

    Search engine caching etc.

    2- you can contact the sites admin, and say that this picture is not that person, and the picture is used without authorization of the person depicted. Alternatively, your friend might need to contact them.

  3. I don't think you can. You can write an email or call the company and see if they will remove the picture and the account, but you'll need some way to verify who you are.

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