
If someone added a to circle a picture is there a way to remove it?

by  |  earlier

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to see the original picture again.




  1. I've used a fancy paintbrush application before.  It might take some time.  You scan it, blow it up and then look at the colored pixels next to it.   Try matching a few colors to the left and right of the black circle and then unzoom to see how it looks.  So if it is a sunny day, you can grab some light blue and then replace the black pixels with it.  light blue, white, light blue, white.  You'll see a few patterns.

    It takes patience and do NOT forget to save your work every few minutes.

    You can pretty much get the hang of it after only a few minutes.  If the picture is worth restoring, then it is worth your time to give it a try.

  2. It depends on what the format is... if its Jpeg, bmp, gif, or any other hard copy format then No way, because in those instances the info behind that "dot" is actually replaced by the "dot" whereas some files like png may retain the info for later use.

    The pic in question is prolly  .jpg and it is what it is, just a dot. :)

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