if you get into business with an inlaw, who asks/ invited you to join them with promises of 50% share and lots of profits to be made.
you leave your job, etc., travel overseas with your family to join them starting up the company. they tell you they feel God is in it and continue to promise lots of good things.
3 years pass nothing happens with the company. many mistakes are made. the invitor tells you your contribution is worthless though lots of your money/ time/ etc was spent. some advancement is made, but not much. overall it is a failure so far. 90% of the money spent was your money.
the inlaw then says he made a mistake and that god did not want you to join in the business after all. so give back the 50% shares, and the inlaw will take it from there, find new partners etc, to try to get back the money lost. if profits are made with the new partners, you are not entitled to anything anymore, except the money you spent on the business.
does this sound fair to anyone?