
If someone asks a question...........?

by  |  earlier

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I answered a lot of questions on this site yesterday in response to people asking for work online and I posted my site. Today when I got online all of my answers had been removed because a community member complained. Are we able to post our business when someone asks for a good work at home site or a free site? What do you all think? Was I just being picked on. FYI: I have also posted a lot of responses to beauty questions because I am a certified beauty advisor. So I am not just going around promoting my business.




  1. What did you ask specifically?

    Put it into your additional details

  2. You did'nt do anything wrong if they ask for advise you gave it

  3. Most of those work at home sites are scams or bogus, so someone flagged your post for abuse

  4. Perhaps they thought you were running some sort of scam ot some blog or other Without knowing your question I do not know why it was removed.

  5. Those work at home site that require you to do the sign up like cashcrate get people's posts removed.  

    Yes they are legally but doesn't mean they are ethical.  

    if you business is related to beauty products then I think someone was just picking on you cause that seems alright to me.

  6. Yahoo! Answers is a place to gain knowledge, not customers, page views, or dates. If you have years of experience in something, have a special hobby, own your own business, or if you are a knowledge partner, it's OK to accompany a good, on-topic answer with a link to your website, blog, or email to offer more information. However, it is not OK to post links that are unrelated to the topic or are clearly meant only to solicit others for personal and financial gain. Also prohibited are solicitations like "Will you add me as a contact?" or propositioning people.

  7. did you answer the questions or did you just list your business? if you just listed your business that is against community terms.

    honestly, this isn't the site to promote it anyways!

  8. they might be jealous, you cana lways appeal your answer and see what yahoo says.

  9. I think that you are best asking folk to contact you directly (email) should you want to tote your business.

    The guidelines say that you can not YA as a way to sell a business.  So I would suggest someone has reported you for doing it.

  10. I don't know? It hasn't happened to me before.

  11. You get answers and questions kicked all the time on this site.

    The remove it as soon as someone complains, and by the time you get it resolved the question has already selected a BEST ANSWER.

    Blame it on TROLLS.

    Look at my questions about them.

    People had plenty to say about how TROLLS work.

    They just go around and REPORT anything that looks like it will get removed and then once they see you twice, they go to your name and report every answerr you give.

    IT is really annoying.

    If you agree GIVE ME A THUMBS UP



  12. I think posting useful links is good, but advertising here isn`t. You just wanted to post a useful link..

  13. Laesh it is kids who do it for fun Yahoo dosent remove answers on it's on !

    I had this answwer removed many times and appealed it and won !

    I can help YOU but i have too much information to post in this forum You may contact me to discuss this further !

    I try to E mail those who seek FREE home business oppourtunites at all times BUT many do not allow E mails so there is nothing we can do !

    you post a link to a site your reported by some troll and if too many reports come in YOUR account is deleted !

    I have made 5 other accounts in past two weeks they all got suspended in one day !

    it is toatlly a joke the reporting by kids and nothing but canned responses from YA  that say REASON :  .. with no reason  given

    because the TROLLS just report it !

    nothing but a bunch of losers who cannot have success at a business of their own so they have in mind that every business is a scam !

    IF You are professional in a field and some one ask a question pertaining to that field then without a doubt you can post your contact information in full with the answer !

    I consider my self a professional in home biz oppourtunites after 10 yrs of making money online also work for myself in real world !

    I have to because i'm on disabilty and cannot work for anyone at any job !

    right now i will be telling UNCLE Sam to shove that pittance they give me every month because i make 8 X that much now !

    i'm doing it monday morning just marching in to local SS office and tell them and show proof of payment that i do not need that $650 per month any more !

    What a Great feeling this is You have no idea what the past two years was like to me !

    God Bless all of YOU best wishes to you and yours always ;

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