
If someone asks if are you religious, would it be rude to reply "No, I'm educated, thank you"?

by  |  earlier

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Sweet E, the point of life is to learn and to have fun.

What makes you think we go anywhere when we die?

I could try to give you explanations to your cosmology questions, but not here. Not enough room.




  1. Yes it is rude.

    I am too educated to answer someone like that.


    Uneducated people  cannot reasonably be called stupid.

  2. yes it would be.

    can i ask you... if you are SO educated that you know everything and have no need to believe in religion...

    then can you explain to everyone what the point is in life?

    where do we go when we die?

    what is outside of the solar system?

    where does space end?

    what is outside of space?


  3. It might come off as rude if they're religious. Religion is such a touchy topic, unfortunately. People are can get very offensive if you say you don't believe what they believe. I would just simply say, "No." when asked. Play off of their responses.

  4. Yes, it would be rude.  You would also be insulting the religions that are not about indoctrination.

    How much you elaborate would depend on how well you know the person.

  5. I cannot see your logic - what does education have to do with being religious?  Religious beliefs are based on what your "heart" tells you - not on what your "head" says. ♥

  6. .*. Sweet Emotion .*. then can you explain to everyone what the point is in life?

    There isnt one, why would there be one?

    where do we go when we die?

    either rot in the ground restarting the carbon cycle of life, or our corpse is burnt and shoveled into a small urn

    what is outside of the solar system?

    The rest of the galaxy - more galaxies. (cant believe this was evenworth asking)

    where does space end?

    it doesnt, its a big loop. Kind of like an inflateing balloon

    what is outside of space?

    a lack of space.


  7. Well there are plenty of educated religious zealots all of whom have been educated beyond their intelligence.

  8. lol I say No, I went to school. Close. No, I don't consider it rude. I have no respect for something that I had to deprogram from.

  9. Not for me dear, thankyou.

  10. Sounds good.  Another good reply is "Sorry, I don't believe in myths or fairy tales."

  11. Yes.  As you no doubt are aware, being the educated person you are, many educated people are also very religious.  By replying as you suggested, it infers that only uneducated (stupid?) people are religious.  Come know better than that.

  12. Yeah it does sound kind of rude to me and stuck up.People have all kinds of different beliefs and we need to respect that and see that we do not all believe in the same things.

  13. I think you already know that would be rude!  But another more polite way to say that would be, "Actually, after going through my education process, religion just didn't make sense for me anymore, so I've chosen not to practice any  particular religion."  Or just a simple, "No, I'm not." and change the subject.

  14. I would say "no, I'm a full gospel bible believing follower of Jesus"


  15. I know a great many people brilliant in their field who are addiccted gamblers and really believe in their luck.... unfortunately most of them have money problems. Believe has nothing to do with education. Lets not talk about drugs or Hang gliding shall we.

  16. yeah, a little rude.  It implies that you assume anyone who is religious is un-educated.  But I deal with this on a daily basis and every time I tell someone im not religious they assume I am un-educated and send me home with bibles and pamphlets galore, so I understand the hostility.  I try to keep my cool with them, being atheists already has a negative stereotype so I'd rather not perpetuate that if its not directly warranted.

  17. It would be rude to say that, aside from the fact that you really did not answer the question.

  18. LOL. No, it's not rude. I would laugh, just as I'm doing now. :) And I regard myself as one of the Christian faithful.

    Quite right. It is an imposition for someone to ask you whether you're religious - as irritating as being asked whether you've been "saved" by a complete stranger. As far as I'm concerned, civilised people don't do that sort of thing - religion is a private matter between you and god.

  19. LOL!  Yes, that would be rude.....anywhere EXCEPT at Y!A....hahahaha

  20. Yes, that would be rude. It's the equivilant of saying "Not only do i not have religious beliefs, but people who have religious beliefs are stupid". They're inquiring about your religious beliefs (or lack thereof), not about your opinion on the validity or soundness of religious beliefs; such a response therefore comes off as hostile and antagonistic.

    It's worth noting that "rude" is not the same as "factually incorrect". Sometimes the best way to be polite is to keep some of your opinions to yourself.

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