
If someone at work judges you in public what is the best way of dealing with it.?

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Someone called me sensitive and it was unnecessary, and I told her not to judge me and she did not say sorry or anything, she just carried on as if I had not said anything.




  1. This should not happen! When you have issues with someone it should be dealed in private not in public! What a horrible insensitive person did that to you. I can see this person already, whe probably is very insensitive since she acuses you to be sensitive. If this happens again you should talk to her superior, because these things can't happen and you can maybe sue her if it keeps going.

    Good luck.

  2. Don't be so sensitive!

  3. Some people like to be vain to other people so if they see you feel affected by their destructive attemp then they will do it often.

    Be strong and do not show your being too sensitive.

    Tacle your own personal war means your insecurities and try to be a whole person; accept yourself both your weakness and strength and make the best out of it.

    Remember wherever you are, who ever you are, whatever you do there will always be critics. The best thing you can do about the situation is to be firm of yourself and to be exact who you really are and show to the people how exact you are and firm you are about yourself.

    If they say you have a big nose and you know and see often in the mirror that you have a big nose accept it and tell them on the face that yes I have a big nose so what? does it affect the world population, peace or what does it matters to you anyway.

    Something like that

  4. Yes, just forget about it.  It's not that big a deal.

  5. You were right to stand up for yourself Lola.  If she thinks that you are a push~over it will continue, but if you stand up for yourself, she will back off.  If she keeps bullying you in this way, speak with your boss.

  6. just ignore that type of person and what they have to will go on thru out your whole life...everybody deals with this kind of person sometime in life.

  7. Yes, ask this, 'why me/mylife is soo important to you?' You can also say, 'you sure do spend a lot of time analyzing me, why?'

    You know why they are calling you sensitive? Because that is their way of getting you used to an upcoming cycle of abuse. Everytime they make fun of you their 'trump card' is to call you sensitive so you back down and they keep making fun of you. Your gut will always tell you who your real friends are. Next time just smile at her and don't feed her fire. This means she is wanting to get a reaction from you, dont give her one.

  8. You're sort of proving her point! Forget about it.

  9. You ARE sensitive...why react? Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. They don't owe you an apology.  You are just proving them right.  Relax, and don't worry, nothings wrong about being sensitive anyway. Just use it in a good way. Be compassionate to those in need for instance. Stop being too self-absorbed!

  10. Well ... I'm a sensitive person too.  What you have to do is control your reactions.  She didn't say anything because you confirmed what she said with your reaction.  Just remember that being called sensitive isn't the worst thing in the world, and in your case it does seem to be true.

    And next time she tries to psychoanalyze you, tell her to mind her own business.  Do it as if you don't care what she thinks, and don't elaborate.  And she shouldn't do it again.

  11. I think you are over reacting slightly. Just forget about it.

  12. Next time say something like: why me/mylife is soo important to you?

  13. Rise above it and smack them in the face

  14. Maybe she didn't mean it in the way you are perceiving it. I think there are probably more important things for you to worry about, but I see where you are coming from. Try not to let it get to you. She may have meant it in a completely harmless way, just letting you know that you overreacted in a situation.

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