
If someone attacks my lifepoints directly and I activate limit reverse to special summon yubel...?

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If someone attacks my lifepoints directly and I activate limit reverse to special summon yubel do they lose life points on the attack. and also can they call of the attack meaning after they say attack lifepoints and then when yubel gets on the field say im not going to attack anymore?




  1. When someone declares an attack, they are only able to call it back if the number of monsters on their opponents side of the field changes. They can then decide to re-declare the attack or they can choose not to attack.

    Also your opponent does not lose lifepoints from attacking yubel, unless they choose to go through with the attack anyway, but no-one with any idea what he does would attack him anyway.

  2. Ok here is an offical answer here. Ya'll remember when Call of the Haunted was still playable? Ok then if a monster was not on your opponent's side of the field and he plays something to bring a monster back it is like delaying an attack. Therefore you must then select an attack target. It is real stupid but that is how it goes.

  3. yup

  4. No they dont lose life points

    yes they can call of the attack

  5. They only lose lifepoints if they continue the attack. In the situation it is called a "Replay" in the rules.

    A "Replay" occurs when the duelist being attacked some-how changes the monsters on his/her field. The attacking duelist is able to "Replay" his/her attack, they get the choice to chose a different monster for there attack target, or they can chose not to attack at all.

    So yes they can also chose that they are not going to attack.

  6. Well, state you're talking about Yugioh next time XD

    When your opponent declares an attack, and you do something that affects your monster zone, your opponent can stop his/her attack and re-declare another attack. If he/she doesn't want to attack anymore, it is perfectly fine.

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