
If someone backs into your car and didnt stop if you have thier licence plate #...?

by  |  earlier

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can you still turn them in so that their insurance will have to pay? Do I have to call the police in this situation?




  1. The person that back into your car and left the scene of

    an accident is a hit and run and you need to notify the

    police and then your insurance company.  Try to get

    a copy of the police report too.

  2. Yes. But first that's a Hit & Run and that's a crime. File a police report first.

  3. You should've called the police immediately! If you just show up at a police station and say "Someone with this license  plate number backed into my car a couple of days ago" they're going to look at you like you've lost your mind. But, you need to report it anyway. Chances are, since you didn't report it right away, they probably won't track them down. And what are you going to do when they deny backing into your car? Do you have any witnesses? If the answer is no....good luck collecting your money back.

  4. Presumably if you the have licence plate registration you can also describe the car - colour, model etc. Report the accident to your insurance company and the police - give all details. Both the police and the insurance company will be able to trace the owner of the vehicle from its regisration plate with a complete description of it and whether it has been involved in other accidents.

    They can use this information to try to recover your repair costs.

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