
If someone beats you in a game, what do you do.?

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If someone beats you in a game, what do you do.?




  1. do away with them, their friends, and family....what about it? Up for some tennis? Backgammon? COME ON!!!!

  2. if it is a very competitive game such as Soul Caliber 3, When I'm playing as my favorite char. and lose I start yelling profinities and one time I walked out as I was about to kick my friend's **** for cheating...

  3. I insist on plaing once more just to beat them.


  4. god get over it if you dont no one will wanner play wiv you a agen dont worrie bout it lol so wot u lost just laght or if its on the intenet just say lol

  5. Smile and thank them for the good game.  Judge your own internal reaction.  If you didn't mind losing the game, then everything's probably great.

    If you find yourself getting angry or upset, try to figure out exactly *why*.  Losing at a game is generally no big deal.  If you find you're getting upset, it probably indicates something in your personality that you could focus on to improve yourself -- maybe a little insecurity?  If you find this to be the case, there are a couple of things you can do:

    1)  Stop playing those games for now!  Maybe you just shouldn't play them for a while.  Give yourself time to grow and try to work out those insecurities.

    2)  Only play with certain people -- when you know you won't mind losing to them.  

    3)  Share your feelings with someone you trust very much to be gentle and considerate.  Ask them to help you be a "good sport."

    4)  Work on it!  When you find yourself getting upset about losing, tell yourself, "Hey, so he beat me.  No big deal.  Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose.  It doesn't *mean* anything except that I should practice more!

    5)  Practice more!  Don't want to lose?  Take it as a personal challenge to practice more!  Get better and better.  You may not be the Forrest Gump of Ping Pong, but you can probably get *pretty* good at whatever it is with practice.  Decide if it's worth the time and effort, and if it is -- do it!

  6. Congratulate them.  Look at what I did wrong.  See how I can adjust my strategy.  Play again.

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