
If someone betrays us once, can they betrays us again?

by Guest64556  |  earlier

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If someone betrays us once, can they betrays us again?





  2. Nope. Not from the bottom of that lake, with the cinder block tied around their ankles.

  3. Like the old saying: betray me once, shame on you; betray me twice, umm ... won't get betrayed again. Or something like that.

  4. fool me once, shame on u, fool me twice, shame on me. Depends if you let them

  5. More often than not, when someone betrays us, they will do it again.  

    Also, I have heard where there is a cheating person in a relationship, they meet someone new, get rid of the old one, date the new one.... and at some point cheat on that one to.  I believe what they say is, if someone will do it in front of you, they will do it to you.  

    Thanks for reading!

  6. I"d say yes,once a person gains your trust then betrays that there will be the great possibilities that they will do it again. Its happened to me so many times,and i have the scares to prove it  

  7. hmm...

    Technically if one betrays you once s/he can very well do it again.

    Morally one should not betray in the first place itself.

    Practically you should not give anybody a second chance unless the person proves worthy of it...and that you have to decide when.

    so it all comes down to this that if someone actually betrays you for a second time...probably you need to start judging people better.

  8. The reasons of betraying havent been defined yet in this society...

    Lack of love, lack of something, or maybe confirmation of our ego and value?Nobody knows..Sometimes the circumstances force people to act in a particular way and they end up by betraying, ceating their partner..Problems of lifew, routine, habit..We cant say that if someone did it once he ll do it again, it depends the circumstances, sometime it is in the blodd and dna of some people to do it other times seeking desperately what they cant get in the whole life they act in this way...

    It depends...According to statistics you did it once, you ll do it twice, in case that your consciousness worked in a different way the first time, it means that it is going to work like that at a second time without any remorse...

  9. fool me once, shame on u, fool me twice, shame on me, still want to fool me, man, don't you have anything else to do in life..!!!!


  10. When you get betrayed, it is the villainy of betrayer, but if you get betrayed again, it is your foolishness.

  11. it depends whether or not you trust the person who betrayed you if you do then yes they can betray you again if not then no.

  12. yes, it shows they arent afraid of betraying us, and like the first person said, betray me once, shame on you, betry me twice, shame on me. It sort of means you should have expected it and prevented it from happening.

  13. Yep. Which is why I don't give people second chances anymore.

  14. dnt do the same mistake again it is called as blunder.

  15. If they have ill will towards you, they will betray you over and over, if they get a chance.

  16. Yes, because we are still culpable of being gullible. As the saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me".  

  17. Our culture has some very warped notions about loyalty and betrayal. The bottom line is never personalize the behaviour of others.

    I am loyal to myself. Anyone else needs to be speaking directly to me about my loyalty, so i can correct them on their expectations about me.

    If you expect me to keep your secrets, then i can clarify that you shouldn't tell me your secrets.

  18. to simply answer your question yes anyone can betray if they want but how are we suppose to know we dont. just trust in that person i guess and if it fails once more than you are for some real thinking is up to you if you are gonna trust and forget then good but if you are not onna forget nor trust then let that person go go go  

  19. You must be alert.  It is like saying "once bitten, twice shy".

  20. Yes as a saying goes u can never straighten dog's tail . Same way betrayers continue to betray and the betrayals can go on...

  21. sometimes I give them more than one chance but if they'll never learn then I'll just let them go on their own way never deal with them again.

  22. Only if we continue to allow it.

  23. The answer is not in the betrayal but the reason, you ask why

    then you can find your answer.  There is no Black and White

    always check behind the Grey and give the benefit of the doubt.

  24. Of course they can!

    Have you heard of the old saying about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer?

    Well personly I don't even want to know my enimies, but if you do just keep your eyes on them. Don't let them too close or they could really do some damage.

  25. the answer is sadly, Yes.

    And there can be no limit. Or the answer can be No. too.

    Go by your intuition and good judgment.

    Parents can even betray the children many times, what do you think about the rest of the large world?

  26. We must examine the overall behaviour of the person who betrayed us.  Everybody is facing dead ends, everybody makes mistakes...  If we only can walk in their shoes, maybe we judge them better.  I believe everybody is entitled to a second chance - even the one who betrayed us.  This second chance is the final test.  Being wrong again, this, is the absolute ending of the relationship.  To paraphrase the usual saying ;

    I forgive you once, it is my right. I don't forgive you twice, it is your wrong.

  27. It depends on the grounds on which you forgave him or her. If you pretended that it was ok, then it would defiantly happen again.

    But if you sorted things out and the person too realized that it hurt you, then there are chances that it may not happen again.

    Thanks for asking

  28. yes, if we commit the mistake of putting our faith in that person again

  29. of course they can it is all about the person and thier moral standards.  They may feel guilty when they betray you the first time or they may feel a sense of power. depends some may not other may.

  30. If trust is broken once, not much expectation is left so the betrayal may doesn't affect that badly the next time.

  31. fool me once, shame on u, fool me twice, shame on me. depends on how stupid u are i guess.

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