
If someone bought me a car and my names on the title and its still not payed off is the car legaly mine?

by  |  earlier

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someone bought me a car and its not payed off and they are kicking me out and i have no where to go can i just take m car and not have any legal problems. we don't have a written agreement




  1. Technically you & whomever elses name are on the title are both considered to be the owner. But on the other hand if the car is not paid off the bank still owns it, therefore if you default on the loan it will put a hit on yours and the other persons credit rating.

  2. Technically the owner of the car is the entity that loaned the money for it's purchase. The person that "gave" you the car isn't the owner, so they gave you something that wasn't theirs to give you.

  3. If there is a loan, then the car belongs to the lender until the loan is paid off. Regardless of whose name is on the title.

  4. if your names the only one on the title and your under your own insurance its yours. (parents can be real a$sholes)

  5. Are you looking at the Title or Registration? If your name is the only one on the title its yours.

  6. if someone else's name is on the title along with yours then it is not just your car but theirs too.

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