
If someone called me from a pay phone, can i call the pay phone back?

by  |  earlier

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I got the call on my cell and was about to answer but I accidently pressed the ignore button. I wanted to call back but was not sure if I should have done it or not. If I would have called, would the pay phone ring? And if so, would the other person pay again for the call of would have I been charged (based in L.A., CA).




  1. If you call back, the pay phone will ring.  What the charges will be I have no idea and I don't know if the other person will have to pay or not.  I would assume not though, since they didn't place the call.

  2. If the payphone is set up correctly, IT WILL NOT RING.

    Payphones are set up to allow out bound calls only, there is no income for the payphone owner if he allowed in calls.

    The phone is programmed to autoanswer so that the vendor can poll his phone and force down a program change, but the internal ringer is disabled  

  3. Many years ago you could have called a pay phone, but nowadays the call won't go through.

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