
If someone calls you a "baboon" where do you look for answers as to why you deserved it?

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If someone calls you a "baboon" where do you look for answers as to why you deserved it?




  1. I look around immediately too see if you're about to bite me in the butt.  If you're not, I just assume the name-caller is mistaken.

  2. Dayum, shawty. Why you always gotta be askin me sh*t. Questionin me. Interrorigatin me. Imma get angry reel soon.

  3. My face.

  4. why would you have's their own stupidity due to their small brain.

  5. From You.

  6. first i see if my a5s is pink, then i look in a mirror to see how long my nose is, then i look at my grades of last quarter. if they are as following:

    yes, 5 or more inches, and above 90

    i can see why.

    if they are :

    no, average size, and 70-85 then its all good

  7. Y!A, of course

  8. I think one would have to be simulating some kind of apelike action along the way for anyone to mistakenly accuse you.

    I certainly would come here on P&S to seek the truth.  This is the place they consider synonymous with TRUTH.  

  9. Hm, no idea :p

  10. Chuck Norris

  11. um.. if someone called Dragon a baboon, she would get offended and not even be able to look for answers as to why she deserved it.  once she calmed down though, prolly after breething some fire, she would prolly go look in the mirror and make sure she doesn't look like a baboon or nuthin.

  12. My foot in their butt.

  13. If you look for reasons why you are or why you deserved it then look no more. You are a baboon.  If you look for reasons that refute the idea that you are a baboon then you have the intelligence of something that is far superior to a baboon and therefore you are not a baboon. What are you ? You have the opportunity to choose and develop that over the period of time that we usually refer as a ' Life Time"  Now, crawl down out of that tree and get to work.  You really don't have as much time as you might believe. Get rid of that banana too.  

  14. I'll look it up on Wikipedia.

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