
If someone calls you just to talk can you decide when to end the conversation?

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It's my cousin, and he calls long distance, but just talks forever about nonsense. I HATE talking on the phone. But this guy will talk for 2 hours. I usually don't even answer the fone, to be honest.

Can I end it after five minutes? Or is that rude?




  1. hello.. hello.. your voice is getting cut.. i cant hear you... oh god looks like it got cut


    ever tried using these words ps??

    next time try that and then let me know what happened


  2. yeah, what Fernando said, just give an excuse (the easiest being you're tired), he can't argue with your excuse

  3. It was in the news a few days back. A woman visited her friend and would not stop talking even after 24 hours, so the hostess phoned the police and had her removed.

  4. The next time he calls you, just act casual. Be like, hey what's up, and then when he asks you in return say "Nothing much, I was just in the middle of masturbating, oh don't worry, you're not interrupting"

    At that point he'll probably try to end the conversation himself and you'll be getting less calls from him after that.

  5. It is not exactly "rude" unless you say something similar to, "I hate talking to you; don't call me" and then hang up.  That would be rude.  Or if you hang up in like two minutes or something.  5 minutes is an appropriate time to hang up, but do it nicely.  Say something like, "I'm sorry, I have to go".

  6. I have my phone shut off most of the time, I also hate talking on the phone (much prefer email) and a co worker once caught me and I got stuck for on hour and a half (she was drunk) and was going crazy. I wanted to end it as soon AS I heard her slur her words...but she's extremely sensitive so I said nothing and fortunately, eventually, it ended.

  7. i'm sure that someone was right to a point!  but sadly the rules have changed!

    How many times have you called a company and they say they will call you back!

    i call my friends some times and they will talk for a minute and then something will come up another call  dishes fall or what ever and my friend will say hey let me call you back!

    i got closure and that's what i need to end a phone converstation!

    btw i hate phones too!  so i'm very short i don't care what is proper or what is not i'm not being mean about it and that's what matters!

    oops my friend just walked in the door your interupting now got to go!

    plus phone calls are interuptions!  

    peopel should ask when they call - do you have time to talk! but they don't!

  8. You are not a hostage to anyone who calls. That would mean that you'd be trapped by any telemarketer who called!

    Just say something like "I have to go in 5 minutes" when the conversation starts. Or at some point say "Thank you for calling me, but I have to go now" and do so. (Go just means "go off the phone" but the caller doesn't need to know that.)

  9. Well if you need to do get off the phone for some reason it won't be rude, if you would like to end the conversation after 5 minutes it wouldn't be rude if you had an excuse, even if it wasn't true. (e.g I really need to head off cousin, I have to shower before work; Well I better go cuz, I have to pick my children up from school; Sorry but I probably should be going, I have to cook dinner before my wife gets home, etc.)

  10. I don't think it's rude.  I think those are old rules about who ends the conversation.  Back when phone calls were expensive and people didn't stay on for hours and hours.  

    I think it's perfectly fine to end the conversation after a few minutes.   What is rude is keeping people on the phone too long.

    I have a friend who gives you every single detail of everything, sometimes I call her and it's at least 10 minutes before I can even get a word in to tell her why I called.  So when she calls quite often I make an excuse to end the call.

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