
If someone charges you with chemicals spraying through a hose would that be an act of assult?

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A lady in the neighborhood was in another persons backyard with chemicals spraying and I took a picture of this person to give to the home owner as they had asked this person not to enter onto their property. This person saw me take a picture and came after me trying to spray me with chemicals from their hose into my face. There was 2 eye witnesses to this attempt to harm me. Would this be thought of as an act of assult? If so, how much time do I have to report it. The inncident took place on July 1st 2008. Should I report this to the police as an assult?




  1. Yes, it was an assualt as well as a trespass.

  2. It could be considered assault if no contact was made, but you would have to prove that chemicals were being used, and how harmful they could have been.  Since it has been 21 days, I would say that credible time has passed.

  3. It would be considered simple assault.

    Waiting three weeks to file a report is probably not the best idea.

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