If someone close to you ( like a relative, best friend, girlfriend/boyfriend, or husband/ wife) needed to go to the hospital would you:
A.) Take them and tell them don't expect you to be happy about it.
B.) Throw a fit about it and yell at them telling them "Do you really need to go?"
C.) Tell them you really don't want to and don't think that you are going to be jumping up and down to do it.
D.) Do it and tell them you are there for them and will take them anytime they need you.
E.) Make up an excuse why you can't
Or what would you say and do? You can pick more than one answer or make up your own answer. The above answers all apply to someone I know that was not willing to take me to the hospital basically - it was A, B, & C all apply to what that person told me. I felt as though I was having a stroke and I was in horrible shape. So I called the doctor and he said it could just be an anxiety attack but I should have it checked out. Luckily the symptoms have almost passed and I still feel not so right. I did not allow him to take me to the hospital because of them things. He yelled at me as he was saying them.
It was quite hurtful, seeing as though I always tell him D, because I am there for anyone when they are not feeling well and need to go to the ER. I don't complain about it. I just ended up thinking if it go worse, I could call an ambulance call 911 or something.
So, what would you do? It could have gotten much worse, but I don't think he cared and I didn't want him complaing and yelling about it the whole time. We would have not spoke for a lot of time afterward. I woke up not feeling right and it just got worse as the day went by. I had numbness in my face, it felt tight and tingling, headache (bad one), and my arm was stinging, felt weird and lightheaded, etc..
Thanks ahead of time. Please be honest of what you would do and how you would feel if someone needed you do take them.