
If someone confesses to something they didn't do and got arrested for it but now wants to change thier mind

by  |  earlier

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what can they do.....i guess they didn't know by trying to cover up for the other person what they would be facing now he is facing prison...he does have a couple of letters this person wrote saying what they did...can he use that in court...the local police said no.




  1. If  the letters  are genuine  then a good lawyer  is  your best  bet. That  is evidence, if handwriting annalists  can prove  its  the other  person's writing , and  He  is confessing  to being  the one responsible for  what ever.

    The  main  thing  is  he needs  to recant  his statement  and  he needs  a good lawyer.

  2. Either way he's now guilty of obstructing justice and falsifying an official statement.

  3. Yes, the letters can be used against the person in court.  False Confessions are not so uncommon, but your friend better have a good attorney and possibly an expert to explain why he falsely confessed to a crime he did not commit.  The criminal juries do not like this type of evidence.

  4. Best thing to do is get a lawyer. "Taking the rap for a friend" is a real stupid thing to do.

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