
If someone crashes his or her car on purpose, why is it still a car accident?

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If someone crashes his or her car on purpose, why is it still a car accident?




  1. its a collision

  2. its classed this until all evidence and witness statements have been collected, then its up to police to investigate the crash, distance car travelled inspect the car for defaults, then info is passed onto insurance and claiment for conclusion as too whether they can claim or they pay out other parties for damage.

  3. Who says it is?  Wouldn't it be called a "car wreck," in that case?

  4. An accident is an unintentional event...The California Highway Patrol, as well as most police agencies, now refer to a vehicle mishap as a 'traffic collision' or TC...Collision describes the event, not whether it was accidental or not.

  5. why would anyone crash their car on purpose

  6. Most people assume drivers are all sane, and would never purposely crash their own vehicle. However I'm sure people have done it, for the fun of it, or to get a new car, insurance fraud. If witnesses or cameras are present, and see someone blatantly drive a car erractically then I'm sure you could be charged for imprudent driving, endangering lives etc.. Therefore when someone crashes their car on purpose, most people give them the benefit of the doubt, and likely call it an accident.

  7. It would depend on the insurance company because their definition of an accident is " a happening that is not expected, foreseen, or intended ".

  8. I think it is just an incident, an accident just seems to be a larger term, usually in an accident there is an innocent victim.

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