
If someone did a beer bong of like 8 beers could his stomach burst?

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I did 5 beers and puked a waterfall of beer like 3 feet in front of me I am just wondering if It is possible to burst a hole in the stomach from this?




  1. no, it wont burst.. but dude lets party sometime

  2. It is impossible for a human being to fill their stomach to the point of literally "bursting" for the reason you so poetically described to us - when the stomach feels too full, it gets rid of the excess a la vomiting. The stomach is less like a water balloon and more like a pouch of muscles. It's not nearly as stretchy as one might think. So no worries - alcohol poisoning will get you long before an exploding stomach will!

  3. No - not under normal health conditions.  I strongly recommend you don't do this with liqour though.  I did it 3 times in a row with Skyy Blues and I actually threw up on the ceiling!  I was sick and laughing at the same time - miserable.

  4. It takes more than filling up your stomach to make it burst.  You'd just throw up rather than bust your stomach.  Needless to say its not advisable to drink so many beer bongs so fast but you probably know that already.

  5. impossible, your stomache is pretty tough.  You will always puke first.

    I like the 'beer waterfall' description, that's awesome!

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