
If someone dies abroad will the canadian government ship them home?

by  |  earlier

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He is a canadian citizen. He has no insurance. No money. They are saying it will cost 6000 to get him home and then we will have to find money for the funeral. The government says they will contribute 2500 but that dosesn't do much. Will the governement or anyone ship him here and then we can find money to pay for the funeral?

Can anyone help with this?





  1. Get him cremated and just bring the ashes back

  2. I dont see any good reason why the taxpayers should have to cover the costs of someone who dropped dead while overseas, unless of course that person died serving this country.

    Was he on vacation? In that case if the family can afford a vacation they can afford to have his body returned.

    Was he living overseas? I have no sympathy for people who only have citizenships of convinience, yet living somewhere other than canada.

    If it is true that the governemnt will cotribute up to $2500 then I'll be taking that up with my MP.

  3. If the death is natural (heart attack, etc.), the government usually will not contribute much to helping you ship your loved one/friend back from abroad. Typically, you have to give the government a media reason (cynical, but too true) to help you out - a murder, terrorist attack, etc.

    You might try chartiable organizations in your area as well as local companies who might be willing to match contributions. Many churches pick up local causes all the time, and you'll probably get as much help from these folks as you will from the government.

  4. In a bottle.

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