
If someone dived into a rotating Kerr black hole, how would he emerge on the other side?

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Hi. I'm writing a sci-fi book that involves Kerr black holes and I have a question. Suppose spacetime traversal via Kerr black hole IS possible. If you fell through the ring singularity, what would be the nature of your emergence on the other side? I can only think of three possibilities: A) you simply appear out of nowhere, B) you are ejected from another black hole, or C) you are ejected from a white hole. I know B is impossible and C is pretty much impossible aswell but those are the only things I can think of. Bearing in mind this is science fiction, can someone with more advanced knowledge of this kind of thing help me out please? Any help would be greatly appreciated.




  1. read here...

    I think you could do something nifty with the 'inside, time and space swap places twice' that diagram, too.... and keep it in mind that it is'll get it.....

  2. The other side of what? In order to write science fiction properly, it helps to understand science fact first.

    A black hole is not two dimensional like a piece of paper. It is a spheroid. There is no 'other side'. There is the 'outside' when you are not in the black hole, and there is the 'inside' when you die and become part of the black hole's mass forever.

    A singularity is not a ring. It is a solid sphere containing quark material or strange matter but it is in no way whatsoever some imaginary time or space portal to somewhere else.

    A black hole is not a hole. It is a collapsed star. No different than you saying that we could fly into our Sun and magically reappear unhurt in some other place in the Universe.

    Have fun with your science fiction but make it believable and not some fantastical concept that has no basis in fact. This is what made the great sci-fi writers like Asimov great. They expended upon ideas and concepts which were at least believable in some possible futuristic way.

    The fantasy about a black hole portal is not only ridiculous, it has been beaten to death. Why not try to be original?

    If you already know that A, B, and C are all impossible, then what makes you think that a reader would buy any of it.

    If you are truly a sci-fi writer, then get away from the old schtik and come up with some new ideas of your own instead of the flying into a black hole trick. That might have been a good book in the 1960s but I would hope that the sci-fi world of readers expect a bit more originality than that these days.

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