
If someone earns £12,000 yearly, how much would the hourly pay be?

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It is a 35 hours per week job - 5 days a week.




  1. if its a full time job 35 hours per week, the pay would be £6.59 per hour X

  2. Approx £ 5 after deductions

  3. £6.59 per hour.

  4. 1. Depends on how many hours they work.

    2. get a calculator you r****d

  5. if we assume its a 37.5 hours per week contract around £6.60 but it really depends on how many hours your contracted to a week.  

  6. the minimum set by law

  7. I want a job like the others on here! 35 hours a week, nice. My company makes you work for 40 hours per week in which case the hourly pay would be around £5.77 per hour.

  8. Depends how many hours a week are worked. lets say 37 Hours a week becasue thats at least full time.

    12000/52=£230.77 per week

    230.77/37=£6.24 per hour.

    Thats of course before any deductions.

  9. depends how many hours u work.

    take how many hours u work a day and times that by how many days a week u work, eg if u work 7 hours day and 5 days a week - 7x5=35

    then 35x52=1820 as there are 52 weeks in a year,

    then devide 12,000 by 1820 = 6.59 and thats your hourly rate.

  10. This very much depends on how many hours are worked in a week .

  11. £6.15 if it was a full time job (37.5 hours a week).  That is before tax.

  12. That depends on the days of work too. I am guessing you would be working weekends only as this is a small sum per year. So I would say .4.50- 5.00 an hour which is not much unless you are 16.

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