
If someone gave you a good amount of cocaine?

by  |  earlier

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and all you could do with it is either use it for only yourself or flush it...what would you do?




  1. Use it and see how ****** up I could get.    ")

  2. flush, it is a very expensive habit to get yourself into...and, it makes one paranoid....

    I'll stop a potential freight train from hitting me by jumping off the tracks....

  3. flush it, if i could take it with my friends or sell a bit of it i'd keep it..

    also is this good cocaine..or just a good amount of it... if its c**p i'd flush it!!

  4. Flush

  5. Id give it to the police and report them.

  6. I'd keep it long enough to hand it over to the cops with the info.

  7. The person who GAVE you cocaine is doing one thing:  Trying to turn you into an addict so they can SELL it to you the next time.  That's how drug dealers operate.  Don't be stupid and fall for that very old line of c**p.

    Why would anyone want the h**l that comes with being a crack/cocaine addict?  It automatically turns you into a loser.  My nephew had a pro baseball contract that could have made him rich beyond his wildest dreams.  Someone gave him some crack and told him to try it "just this one time."  He did.  Now he is a crack addict who is constantly bouncing from job to job because he fails the drug test.  He will steal anything he can get his hands on just for another fix.  He is constantly in and out of jail, essentially homeless because he can't be trusted, always hungry because the money he gets goes for drugs instead of food.

    Now YOU decide if you are wise enough to flush the cocaine and stay away from the person who tried to destroy your life.  HE'S NOT YOUR FRIEND.

  8. Nose candy my as-. Why would you use something that makes you nervous, you can't sleep, can't eat and when you finally can sleep, you feel awful when you wake up. Flush it and do yourself a favor and flush away whoever gave it to you, they didn't do you a favor.

  9. I'd probably turn it into crack.

  10. I don't care how much they gave me, I'd flush it.  I've got no use for the stuff.

  11. you'de do it.You're a crackhead & meth addict. I saw you on youtube faces of meth. You Loser!!!!!!!!!!!!! f****s!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Flush it.  I don't use drugs.  I happen to love myself enough not to fry my brain.

  13. Why in the P***k would I flush good nose candy for?

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