
If someone gave you the combined wisdom of how life works in six words?

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Assume it has nothing to do with how the universe was created and where you go after you die.




  1. most wisdom is based on sets of beliefs mostly religous and revolves around the reson for existance of man, universe..etc

    not only on experience!

    and if it can be collected in 6 words i think won't be helpful cuz from wisdom to 'explain' and to be to the point otherwise will be a mysterious words!

  2. Growth, knowledge, responsibility, creativity, energy and love.

  3. Study the law of attraction!

    Ooops, that's only five words, hmm, oh well,  forget it.

  4. Don't sweat the small stuff.

  5. Wisdom the goal, Philosophy the road.

  6. learn, love, hurt, accept, unite, understand

  7. What point could exist without relation to existence aka the universe

  8. Trying to please everyone is useless.

  9. SORRY, I can't do it in 6 words (so I don't deserve to get "Best Answer."  However.....

    I don't usually like to cut and paste answers, but for this question I simply must.  This song, which I've pasted, explains life least to me it rings absolutely true.  I think the song is absolutely profound.

    Alanis Morissette » You Learn

    I recommend getting your heart trampled on to anyone

    I recommend walking around naked in your living room

    Swallow it down (what a jagged little pill)

    It feels so good (swimming in your stomach)

    Wait until the dust settles

    You live you learn

    You love you learn

    You cry you learn

    You lose you learn

    You bleed you learn

    You scream you learn

    I recommend biting off more then you can chew to anyone

    I certainly do

    I recommend sticking your foot in your mouth at any time

    Feel free

    Throw it down (the caution blocks you from the wind)

    Hold it up (to the rays)

    You wait and see when the smoke clears

    You live you learn

    You love you learn

    You cry you learn

    You lose you learn

    You bleed you learn

    You scream you learn

    Wear it out (the way a three-year-old would do)

    Melt it down (you're gonna have to eventually anyway)

    The fire trucks are coming up around the bend

    You live you learn

    You love you learn

    You cry you learn

    You lose you learn

    You bleed you learn

    You scream you learn

    You grieve you learn

    You choke you learn

    You laugh you learn

    You choose you learn

    You pray you learn

    You ask you learn

    You live you learn

    The video:

  10. Words of advice:

    "Drive like you mean it."

    "Napping is a way of life."

    "Everything happens for a purpose."

    "Earth doesn't exist for your pleasure."

  11. Born, then I "lived" until death.

    (Ya know there are some very nasty people who like to give a thumbs down to what I say- no matter how good or bad it is- simply because they wish to sway the public into believing that what I say should be discounted- It is these judgmental parasites who add nothing of value to life at all- I don't know who this jerk is- but they really ought to get some help or up their medication!).

  12. Buddy, it's time to come home.

  13. Accept whatever happens to you, in peace.

    or/ and...

    abandon yourself in the Hands of God.

  14. Is the question, "What would they be?"  In that case I would say; The answer to life is 42.

  15. I wouldn't believe them until I placed it through a process of thorough verification.


    1) Human knowledge and alleged wisdom is overrated.

    2) Humans are bullshitters -- more than half the things you hear from someone is false.

    3) There has never been anyone I have ever encountered who was so altruistic and benevolent as to openly give me the answers to the wonders of the universe rather than hoarding it to themselves.

    4) The person who possessed this knowledge (if he ever did) would know that most humans would try to use it to their own personal advantage or twist it in some way to create a following or religion.  Therefore, he would more likely keep it to himself than risk that the twisted truth be used as a very potent mental weapon against others.

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