
If someone had a booger in their nose, would you tell them?

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Just curious how honest people might be.




  1. well if it was IN their nose, I probably wouldn't see it, as I don't look up people's noses. If it was hanging out of their nose, then yes. But I would either say "Oops, you've got something there" or if they were really close friends then "Here" and hand then a kleenex.  

  2. If they were a friend. If I didn't know them I think it would be more embarrassing to be told by a stranger than to find out for themselves!

  3. If it were my husband, one of my children, or any close friend or acquaintance, I would.  I would not use the word "booger," however.  I would just say something like, "Honey, you've got something hanging out of your nose," and hopefully be prepared to hand them a tissue.  I always carry tissues in my purse and car.  If the person is a stranger to me or a distant acquaintance, I would keep my mouth closed and assume someone closer to them would alert them.

  4. Only if this person was a close friend.

  5. if they were a friend, or someone i like, yes.  other than that no.

  6. It depends on the situation - if one of my company's sales people was going to visit a client, YES, I would tell him.  He needs to look his best to make a good impression on the client.  I would tell him quietly and discretely.  

    If I was out with someone I knew, and there was an issue, I would look them in the eye, and rub under my nose.  This almost always works to cue them that they need a tissue.

  7. Only if it was my booger in their nose. Funny, this has happened before.

  8. Only if it was one of my sisters or my mom.

  9. uhh it really depends. if you like really close to that personnn, you should tell themm like somewhere no one will hearr. butt other thann that you dont have too if you dont want to hurt other people's feelings alright?

  10. No and id try not to look at it. Bathrooms have mirrors so odds are they will notice sometime today. Then again, maybe they think its pretty kool having a booger hanging out.

  11. Yes.

    Oh man... this reminds me of my childhood (3 or 4 years old), when my friend always use to have a lump of green snot running halfway out her nose. All the time I mean! It grossed me out big time, but everytime she wiped it off... another one would pop out!

    I use to have nightmares about it.

  12. No I would let it dangle there all day.  I just wouldn't look at it.  

    Kind of like having a nose-ring.  I don't want to see metal sticking out of someone's schnozz either.   A fake booger would be a fine fashion accessory.  You probably would not get too many dates however.

  13. Yes I would. But not in front of anyone else. I just say "you have a little something there"

  14. Yes, if they were my friend.

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