
If someone had different religon/beliefs as you, would you think of them differently?

by  |  earlier

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I got this question in my head when I read it from an answer today.

Also, would you also think worse of them?

Personally, for me, I wouldn't care(well mostly, only in exceptions).




  1. Wow, I have many people I know who's beliefs are different. I really attempt to NOT get into serious debates with those who's beliefs I would consider extreme, in some cases. That doesn't mean I think any less of them. We just have different views and beliefs.  

  2. nope. not at all because i have no idea what i believe..i believe in SOMETHING..i just don't know what...??

  3. I judge people by their actions, not their beliefs.  

  4. I would only look at them differently if they insist that I believe/follow their "misguided" beliefs.  ;-)

    I have no problems with people having different views than mine.  I just have a problem when they think I have to convert to their belief system in order to talk, have a rational discussion or do anything else.

    May Our Creator watch over you and your family.

  5. As long as they are kind, respectful, accepting, genuinely good hearted people...

    I couldn't care less what they believe in. Who they are and how they behave is far more important to me.

    I'm an Eclectic Pagan, so pretty much everyone has beliefs different than mine.

  6. Well, I volunteer at a Correctional Facility for Felon girls aged 12 - 25. I don't want to know what their crime is before I meet them. If they don't want to share, that's cool. If they do, many times it is an eye opener. Hum. Would me knowing what their crime was before I met them change my opinion of them? Maybe.

    Is it an assault with weapons charge? Or a rape? Or a murder?

    I'm not sure if my answer has anything to do with what you asked but it is along the lines of what you are searching for only on a different level.

    Are we not called as Christians to love all those who are placed in our lives and what do we do with them? How do we respond?

    I hope I am a bigger person than I am. Beyond the jacket or wrap sheet of some of these girls. Or someones beliefs. I remember being called by the facility for an emergrency visit for a girl who was a cutter, suicidal, arsonest. I was not sure what the deal was but I went anyway.

    We chatted for awhile and then I told her about an experience I had just recently about an injured Crow I found. I don't know why, it just came out.

    I was out with my 2 old rescue dogs late in the day on a very hot afternoon. About 107 degrees or more and it had been that way for days. We stumbled on an injured crow. The wing was broken. I picked it up with a plastic bag and gave it some water through a straw and water I had in the car.  It was too late to take it to the Emergency Clinic so I stopped by a CVS and bought some baby formula stuff to possibly feed it unit the next day. On the way home, I heard a loud wrestling sound on the floorboard and I was alarmed. I couldn't pull over I just had to get home ASAP. My dogs were crazy curious about the package on the floorboard. Sadly, the bird died in route. I heard it's last effort for life and I sat and cried for a minute before I could pull myself together and get the dogs in the house. I will never forget that realization. Nothing gives up it's last breath without a fight.

    Anyway, I told my new girl that very story and she cried like a baby. We both did. She never told me what her crime was and I never asked. But I know it involved a victim.

    3 years later I love her like my own girl. She is as old as mu only son.


  7. A little but in a good way because I would like to hear what they believe, what there opinions are etc...

  8. Yes.  Your belief system is an important part of what makes you up as a person.

  9. Answer: Considering that I am a member of a minority religion, MOST people have different religious beliefs than I do.

    I judge people by their actions, not their religion.  If they are not using their religion to justify negative behavior, then it does not affect me.

  10. Not at all, having faith is what is important, the religion they practice to achieve this faith is not important.

    Only people who claim they study the "BEST" religion makes my skin crawl.


  11. Yes.  After all, I don't think Christians are Muslims, or Atheists are Hindus.  There is a difference.

    I am more likely to think of people who subscribe to organized religions, as being rather gullible.

  12. Frankly for any normal human being it will become difficult for them not to think differently. The bias will always lurk in the mind.Even though consciously we may want to say that we are unbiased but our human nature will not allow us to be like that.

  13. it shuld not matter if other ppl have a different religion than u.ur all ppl and u shuldnt treat someone unfairly becuz they think differently about certain issues or beliefs. i have friends who r other religions than i am and we respect each other about our different beliefs. All ppl deserve 2 b treated equally.

  14. I'd hate 'em if they were one of them no-good "atheisit" people. Them's the ones that turned my daughter secular! She has a doctorate in physics! Those h**l-bound morons!

  15. If they belonged to a church that held classes on why mormons were going to h**l or picketing our temple and church openings then I probably would, but other than that, no.

  16. I can honestly say I used to, but not anymore.

  17. i wouldn't ( and don't ) think of them differently, unless they start lecturing me about religion.

  18. Maybe. If they were scientologists.

  19. In high school my two best friends were different religions to me. One was Jewish the other was a Muslim... I'm an atheist. We never spoke about religion. No need, we weren't going to convert each other.

  20. Differently in a negative way? Probably not as long their religion doesn't require them to kill or harm someone.

  21. Absolutely.  Any fundamentalist christians over the age of 25 I immediately peg as unable to think for themselves.  Anyone willing to simply swallow that c**p is unfit to possess a brain.  

  22. Nope. Religion is the last thing I would think to judge a person for. I dislike them ONLY if they are rude or obnoxious about their beliefs.

  23. I love my christian and non christian family and friends, unconditionally.

  24. This would indicate a deficiency of intelligence, which would cause me to question their opinions on other subjects more closely.

  25. No, it doesn't matter to me, there are lot's of good people out there in the world, why get hung up on what they believe?  To be honest some of my favorite people on here aren't the same faith as I.

  26. I would just think that they were walking a different path then mine to most likely the same place in the end. So I would think no differently of them.

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