
If someone has 20/25 for vision, do they need glasses?

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My friend thinks he needs glasses with that kind of vision and I dont believe him. How bad is that? Would someone with that vision have a hard time reading?




  1. Just knowing that he has 20/25 on the eyechart doesn't tell the whole story.

    He may have astigmatism that is causing problems to focus right .

    It depends what is causing his vision to be 20/ can't just say they aren't needed without all the facts.

  2. From the information given we can't tell whether his problem is near or distance vision or whether it is with his present glasses or without, or whether his vision is limited to 20/25 no matter what he wears, or whether he is nearsighted or farsighted or has astigmatism, or how old he is or whether he would have a hard time reading, etc.

    We don't know why he went to the doctor so it's hard to help.

  3. It depends on what is causing the 20/25 and how well your friend likes to see.  Large amounts of astigmatism and hyperopia can cause eye strain, difficulty with sustained visual activity, trouble reading and headache yet only reduce distance acuity a small amount.

    If your friend prefers to wear his glasses, why would you question his decision?  It is his body, his eyes, his visual sensation and really none of your business.

  4. If I had that prescription I would not get glasses for distance.  It is really close to normal vision.  You can be farsighted and have 20/25 for distance vision so you may have trouble reading up close.

  5. No your friend would not need to wear glasses, he has near perfect vision.

  6. 20/20 is considered "perfect" and the higher the number the worst their eyesight is and the lower than number the better their eyesight is..... With 20/25 you would NOT need glasses and you should be able to read great.... Hope this helps!

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