
If someone has a chocolate bar and I want it, should I kill him and take it?

by  |  earlier

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Assuming that the world was created without design through the big bang and evolution, why should I not engage in murderous activity for my benefit? If you argue that just for the good of society I should agree to certain guidelines of behavior for the common good of all. Then providing that no one will ever find out that a murder was committed, should I engage in the murder? Also, why should I be concerned about the environment. It was just a big accident that happened, so what if we reverse it? searching for answers.




  1. Assuming any of that is true of course, we'd all be subject to our own wants and whims and there would be no morality nor a desire for morality. What if someone did find out and the police arrest you? If you have to kill why not in self defense? Is chocolate really worth destroying a life over? It's fattening. Besides, chocolate is still cheap enough that you can buy it when you want it and in just about any store. Also, why kill that person for chocolate? If there's no morality how does that affect the value of a life? Does that mean the person you're killing for the chocolate has less value than a self-centered want for chocolate? Some would argue that morality is relative. So whatever is right for you is right for anyone else. We'd all be able to kill each other for whatever reason we wanted. If you wanted to steal a car, would that be okay? What if someone stole your car? At the very least you'd view that as unfair. If we each do what's right in our own eyes someone always gets s******.

  2. i dont worry about such trivial things..i eat road kill..i do my part to help clean our planet

  3. "Also, why should I be concerned about the environment. It was just a big accident that happened, so what if we reverse it? "

    Let's be real: Some people here (okay, most of us) were accidents as  a result of our parents' own "Big Bang Theory".  Should we be murdered as well?  After all, we were "accidents", right?

  4. If you want to do 40 years or even life in prison for a ***** chocolate bar, be my guest!

  5. O.J.? Is that you?

  6. or you could just ask politely. im sure he/her is gladly willing to share

  7. say "oh look a squirrel" when they turn around yoink the chocolate bar THEN kill him. simple.

  8. How about the chocolate bar k!ll you... so we dont get any more ridicolous questions...AMEN,

  9. WOW that's exactly how Republicans think!!! Too bad they never have to deal with the negative consequences of their actions.

  10. There are only two reasons why you should avoid murderous activity for your own benefit.  

    The first reason is external - you are afraid of the consequences of your actions.  This could be the discovery of your crime and your subsequent punishment.  Other possible consequences depend on your choice of victim - for example if you killed your wife, you would have to take care of the children yourself.

    The second reason to avoid killing someone is internal - you have a highly developed sense of guilt and/or loss.  Laziness would also serve as an internal demotivator.  Internal demotivations could, in some instances, be more of a guard against action than external demotivations.

    If you decide that neither internal nor external demotivators are enough to restrict your murderous intentions, by all means go and take that candy bar, or leave your kids in the car to die of hyperthermia.

  11. i like your style man,but killing a man for a bar of chocolate is maybe a tad extreme,maybe a severe beating like to within an inch of his life would suffice,but what the h**l in for a penny in for a pound,***** it go ahead murder that choc late eating b*****d

  12. Well because you would be taking away someone's life without their permission just for a chocolate bar.  I can think of much better reasons to kill someone, like to steal their Hummer and drive it off a cliff.  :)

  13. h**l yeah! You can totally kill someone for their candy bar!

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