
If someone has a class D felony weapons conviction, is 30, and is mentally ill with a personality disorder...?

by  |  earlier

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Would they ever be drafted? If things got really bad?




  1. Nope. Not at all. Even with the draft during the Vietnam War, people got out of it if they couldn't pass the medical physical. You can't. Don't worry.

  2. "Definitely not, they will not be drafted by any means. If anybody answers yes than they need to explain why during the Vietnam War, they weren't drafted!"

    Because Bush wasn't president.

    and to OP.  No mental issue is enough to keep you out

  3. Definitely not, they will not be drafted by any means.  If anybody answers yes than they need to explain why during the Vietnam War, they weren't drafted!

  4. Yep, you can count on it

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