
If someone has a private garden in US, do they prefer to grow flowers or vegetables?

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  1. I grow flowers.  I have a mix of annuals, perennials and flowering shrubs.  I am fortunate to live in an area surrounded by small farms, orchards and vineyards.  They all have farm stands that offer very fresh produce at reasonable prices.  So, I buy my veggies and fruit and dedicate all of my garden space to beautiful, colorful flowers.

    This being said, I do keep a couple of pots of herbs on the patio for convenience!

  2. We grow whatever we see fit to grow, I had a beauitful veggie and herb and flower garden in my back yard, and a beautiful flowers in the front yard. For me it was my therapy,.. my down time. I love to garden.

  3. I only grow plants I can eat --- lots of it. 75 feet x 30 feet of various vegatables and spices. The lady across the street grows only "looking at plants" and considers me a barbarian for eating those lovely plants. Go figure. I have two years worth of pickled, canned and dried food on hand. She's got dried flowers to eat.

  4. Gardening is wildly popular in the Untied States. Most of us home gardeners have a combination of flowers and shrubbery, and vegetables. Most single-family houses have front and back yards, and it is on the perimeter of those lawns that we plant our gardens.

    Most of us grow our vegetables in the back yard because it's more attractive to plant the decorative flowers in the front.

  5. Doesn't it depend on the person? I grow flowers in the front and tomatoes in the back of the house.

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