
If someone has an illness like Alzheimer's disease and they want to get a driver's license,but the Doctor ?

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never told them they couldn't,if they get stopped by the cops,will they get arrested?




  1. no not arrested. but it would be very dumb for them to get a license. if that is your family, see that they can't proceed in getting a license. That is dangerous to themselves as well as every other driver on the road.

  2. If they get stopped by the police,it would be for a driving violation. A

    person with Alzheimer's would probably show signs of confusion and be taken into custody. My mother has Alzheimer's and I hate the

    thought of her driving a car,she would probably get lost and run out of gas in the middle of nowhere.

    No way an Alzheimer's patient should be allowed to drive a car.

    No way a responsible doctor would condone it.

  3. uhm well they obviously shouldnt be driven  

  4. Laws vary from state to state. Contact local law enforcement---from a public phone---and ask them. Do not speak to a local cop who you know personally. Chances are the person is not a danger yet, may get confused, but driving is kinda weird---in the early stages of Alzeimer's many people can drive, but it's much better if they have a calm passenger with them in case they get confused. Um, may I stress the word CALM?

    It is a major blow to a man's pride when he loses his driving priveleges. Perhaps it'd help to hide the keys? He may forget what he was looking just SO depends...but being told lovingly that he is getting very forgetful and we are afraid that someone might get hurt is often effective with people who are basically good-hearted.

    If he was a good driver before he may be an ok driver now.

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