
If someone has cancer, can he feel pains already on the really early stages of the disease?

by  |  earlier

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cancer in the lower leg for example...

I'm asking because, knowing you have the disease as early as possible will give you a better chance to heal (quicker also) but if you feel pains only when It gets bigger and worse, you wish you'd had an examination even when you didn't feel a thing.

anyway, does someone have a specific answer to my question? Oh and please refer to my example also.




  1. You can have cancer and feel nothing at all, e.g: mamary won't feel anything and it has early lymphatic metastasis.

    If there is anything that can prevent to diagnose diseases in only advanced stages is knowledge...being well informed, reading, asking your doctor.

    Hope I was helpful :-)

  2. my dad had lung cancer and no symptoms except a slight cough which mum nagged him to see the doctor and cancer was cured. 3 years later he was feeling sick - he died 6 weeks later with stomach cancer, my friend had breast cancer with no symptoms, only found it on a mammogram she had a mastectomy and now recovering

  3. No. The reason cancer is so feared is because there is rarely any pain or any symptoms until the disease is advanced. About the only warning sign anyone might get is an unexplained, painless lump or bump located anywhere on the body that seems to be growing. Sometimes there are vague symptoms that can be identical to other types of conditions or diseases . . since cancer is considered 'rare' than misdiagnosis is more common than anyone realizes. Even if a doctor examines you  there is no guarantee they'll find the cancer in time. My son had a sports physical and was declared healthy . . about 45 days later he was diagnosed with advanced abdominal sarcoma . . he had five large tumors and multiple smaller ones . . all missed by his doctor. Cancer is deceptive.

  4. Yes, my first symptom was pain.

    But that won't always be the case.  Many cancers are nearly painless.

  5. I have cancer - have known about it and have been battling it for 2 years.  My docs say I may have had it for over 5 years.  I never had pains.  I did know something was wrong the last few years before diagnosis because I just didn't feel good - I got skin infections, got sick a lot, got strange illnesses, just didn't feel like myself.  

  6. I had cancer and it showed for two years. Never felt the difference and was never sick because of it. Still ended up in surgery to have it removed and it was one of the worst cancers you can have. So you don't always feel pain. Some are just happy to stay there and wait.

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