
If someone has keratoconus and it gets to the point where they need a cornea transplant.........?

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what could their vision end up being after surgery/recovery?????.....also how much do the procedures usually cost???




  1. Most patients who have corneal transplantation are able to see quite clearly WITH CORRECTION.  It is common for a patient to have a very significant amount of near sightedness, far sightedness, or astigmatism after corneal transplantation.  This means that vision without the use of eyeglasses will most times not be very clear at all, BUT the patient most times can see quite clearly if he or she wears eyeglasses.  Please understand that it is common for the glasses not to be extremely thin because of the amount of prescription necessary to correct the vision.

  2. It really depends upon how the eye heals after surgery so it won't really be known until 6-12 months after surgery.

    Generally, vision with correction after corneal transplant can be expected to be close to normal.

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